Saturday night Comedy Fest, in what is being called 'the greatest tragedy in the history of earth' (with the death of our lord coming in a close second), somehow chose Stephen Colbert, and not the much more deserving writingguy for "Comedian of the Year".
"I'm trying to keep my chin up but it's not easy. I'm really dissapointed. I have been writing for TheSpoof for 4 ENTIRE days! Stephen Colbert? A whopping zero point zero zero days. I rest my case." said writingguy amidst cries of his wailing supporter.
It was a race that was best described as being "not even close, maybe just a touch closer if I had knew writingguy existed."
Comedy Fest had no comment except to ask that a mental retardation test be performed on writingguy.
"I'm sure I can pass the test, but why would I want to? I don't wanna be a retard, I wanna be comedian of the year!"
Stephen Colbert made no comment but if he had I'm sure it wouldn't have been as funny as mine.