Boost For T Shirt Industry As "Fracking" Eclipses FCUK As Must Have Logo

Funny story written by dulcie gabbani

Tuesday, 18 December 2012


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image for Boost For T Shirt Industry As "Fracking" Eclipses FCUK As Must Have Logo

The British T Shirt industry has received a much needed boost, since the government gave the go ahead for "fracking" to begin in parts of the UK.

Fracking, which is a method of extracting gas from shale deposits, now also doubles as a new swear word for people to say, without causing offence.

Bob Twatt, chairman of the Tshirt International Trust Syndicate (TITS) told us, "This decision by the government couldn't have come at a better time for the t shirt industry. Our members have been reporting dwindling sales since the FCUK high of the nineties, and the addition of a new buzz word in the English language is a shot in the arm for our members. We have had reports of many T shirt printers taking on extra staff to cope with the demand for fracking based leisure wear, and a couple of the bigger players have even taken on full time logo creators"

Speaking to journalists from the steps of 10 Downing St, Prime Minister, David Cameron said he was pleased to hear of the boost in jobs throughout the T shirt industry, and this proved to the sceptics who had said that fracking was bad for the country. He added "The creation of hundreds of jobs in some of the worst unemployment black spots is a small price to pay for the occasional earthquake in Blackpool, which frankly, most people wont be inconvenienced by"

It seems however that there are sections of the public who are unhappy with the craze. Julian Lympdykk of the British Gay Society said, "There are many people who believe that "fracking" is gay slang for some form of sexual deviancy. Many of our members have been left in tears by hurtful comments passed from rough workmen on building sites shouting comments like "What you two frackers up to then" and others that are too horrible to mention".

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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