Jimmy Savile - My Fake Diary

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Bit more of me life story for you all today:

My Radio 1 career saw me presenting 'Jimmy Savile's Old Record Club for many years'. Counting down the charts of yesteryear on Sunday lunchtimes.

In the 1970s, I earned another catchphrase "clunk-click, every trip" after fronting a TV campaign to encourage the use of car seat belts.

I was a regular on the marathon running circuit and he spent five years as a professional wrestler but with much less success. I fought 107 bouts, lost 100 and won just seven, always insisting it was never fixed. (It was of coarse)

My earnings were substantial and I owned at least eight homes, including flats in Regent's Park, Bournemouth, Leeds and Scarborough.

Among his six cars were a Bentley Turbo, a Mercedes 500 SL and a flashy Rolls-Royce.

So you can see why I wasn't too keen on popping off - but we all have to face that.

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