Gordon Ramsay - My Fake Diary

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Monti Carlo Exclusive Blog: Getting Yelled At By Gordon Ramsay, by Christine McDow:

I never thought I would want to ask Gordon Ramsay to shout louder but that's exactly how I feel right now on MasterChef. I am hard of hearing, the result of 12 years of working in radio, with my headphones cranked on 11 for hours a day.

There are six of us cooking our butts off, machines humming, plates and pans clamouring, fans sucking up all the smoke and one incredibly heated Gordon Ramsay yelling out orders. I can't hear myself thinkā€¦much less make out what Gordon is saying to me. I smile and nod.

It's my go-to move whenever I miss what someone is saying but Gordon isn't buying it.

Too right... I think?

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