Myspace to be discontinued

Funny story written by James H.

Friday, 16 March 2007

image for Myspace to be discontinued

It has been brought to our attention that before the end of the year Myspace will be but a memory. Due to the number of lawsuits at hand, and the stresses that go along with it, the website will close indefinitely.

"It is an unfortunate thing, but what can we do?" An employee said. "Who knows, maybe someone will come along and do something constructive with it."

That could be the case in this day and age. With the increase in blogging numbers, an agreement could be reached. Until then, we must stick around and hope for the best. If anything, a miracle may happen and the powers that be will put down the clout to start something new.

That will definitely be newsworthy!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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