Brian Clough - My Spoof Diary
This is the spoof journal of Brian Clough. It is purely a parody of what we imagine a diary made by Brian Clough would be like and hope you find the fake diary as funny.
Currently showing entries from: 2012
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September 2012
Tuesday 18 September 2012
The Daily Mail wrote this the other day: One o'clock, Friday, and at the cafe in Middlesbrough's Albert Park about 20 men have gathered for an afte...
Monday 17 September 2012
I noticed that my old rivals Man Utd had a nice home win of 5 - 0 against Wigan was it? last weekend. And without Wayne Rooney playing... now ther...
Sunday 16 September 2012
At 23, Sunderland winger James McClean may well believe he has little time to waste, but one day -- maybe when he enters his dotage around the age of...
Saturday 15 September 2012
This lad got it right when writing about me - straight and to the point, I liked this: Clough was never a big fan of Don Revie's Leeds side so...
Friday 14 September 2012
Brian Clough The Greatest Manager England Never Had 2011 on TV. I see you can watch it on line nowadays. Here's the introduction thingy: Charism...
Thursday 13 September 2012
I see they have inducted me into the National Football Museum Hall of Fame. Listing my Honours as: 2 European Cups, 2 Division One Championships...
Wednesday 12 September 2012
Photo here, The Brian Clough Statue, Albert Park, Middlesbrough. Photo on Flicker Another one - that stands proudly in Nottingham city centre wa...
Tuesday 11 September 2012
The first opportunity for me to be considered for England manager came in 1974, but Don Revie of Leeds United was given the position. I took his po...
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