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Politician Lie Free Day
For this first day of the second quarter, all politicians of the world have vowed not to lie. For an entire day!
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 01 April 2010
Spoof News to Be Taken Seriously
All news at The Spoof today is to be taken seriously as the the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 01 April 2010
Unions Caused Prosperity
A company was taken over by unions last month. Since then it has prospered.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 12 March 2010
Spoof Joke Elected
As more and more political jokes get elected, a political joke from The Spoof has also been elected.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 22 June 2009
Swine Flu Threatens Pork Barrel Spending
Politicos are worried about the fate of pork barrel spending as swine flu threatens pigs with extinction.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 15 June 2009
Men Need to Breast-Feed
Couples will not be happy until men breast-feed, whilst still carrying the heavy stuff, of course, a feminist research report says.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 06 June 2009
June Fools Day
It's June Fools Day. Everything politicos say on June 1 is to be taken seriously.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 01 June 2009
Pre Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
If B comes before A, it is obvious that B is because of A. This is self-evident and needs no further research, a science advisor to the President says.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 25 May 2009
Gentleman Spotted in India
Along with a spotted deer and a spotted cat.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 17 May 2009
Hayek and Hayek
Friedrich August von Hayek and his Austrian Business Cycle Theory are as sexy as Salma Hayek, Nobel Memorial Laureate Paul Krugman said. "Blow me down!"
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 10 May 2009
Washington Office Closed Down
The Washington office of The Spoof has been shut down under the Patriot Act. We will NOT have more on this story.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 10 May 2009
Gentleman Spotted
A gentleman was spotted in Manhattan. Thought to have arrived in a time machine.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 08 May 2009
Because The Spoof Says So
U.S. Senator Specter says the Grand Old Pizza Party has moved to the right because The Spoof says so.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 08 May 2009
Surveillance Celebration
Politicos and bureaucrats around the world celebrate - with partying today - the rising surveillance society, as Europeans otherwise - on V-E Day - celebrate the end of ... a surveillance society.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 08 May 2009
Old Woman Laughed to Death
An old woman laughed herself to death after reading a story at The Spoof. The story was thought to be taken out of the blue, but it turned out to be an accurate description of the political circus.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 08 May 2009
Spending and Debt Is the Obvious Solution
Everyone can see that more spending and more debt is the solution to the problem caused by too much spending and too much debt, President Obama said at a White House press conference.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 07 May 2009
The Fed Is the Free Market
Everyone can see that the Federal Open Market Committee is the free market, and that it has failed, President Obama said.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 07 May 2009
Ben Bernanke Drinks from Punch Bowl
Fed Chairman Bernanke was recently seen drinking from the easy money punch bowl. "No sober man would serve the easy money punch bowl, so I have to drink from it to stay drunk," the Fed Chairman said.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 07 May 2009
Bernie Madoff to Be U.S. Treasury Secretary
Bernie Madoff is shortly to become U.S. Treasury Secretary. Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi scheme fit so nicely with the Ponzi scheme that is the U.S. paper dollar, a senior White House official says.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 07 May 2009
Hedge Fund Manager Disappeared
A hedge fund manager who wrote an open letter criticizing the President of the United States of America has mysteriously disappeared.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 06 May 2009
Chinese Bond Holders to Be Bullied
The White House is preparing to cancel U.S. federal government debt held by Chinese and others through oratorical bullying, White House Press Secretary Bob Gibbs says.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 06 May 2009
New U.S. Tax Procedure
Taxes are, as of now, to be levied by press releases from the Oval Office, a press release from the White House states.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 06 May 2009
White House Denies Napolitano Claim
A senior executive office official has denied claims that Judge Andrew P. Napolitano is being considered for the High Court. "Someone serious about the Constitution at the High Court? Please?!?"
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 04 May 2009
Obama Threatens to Send Teleprompter to Gitmo
An anonymous executive office source says the Prez has threatened to send the Presidential teleprompter to Gitmo. If the teleprompter doesn't pull itself together, it will go, and Gitmo stays open.
written by J.K. Baltzersen, 04 May 2009
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