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Trump Asks America For Unity
In the wake of last week's violence President Trump called for unity and an end to divisiveness by asking all Americans to come together, "even the criminal immigrants and terrorist Muslims."
written by manbrad, 03 November 2018
World's Biggest Oxymoron Named After World's Biggest Moron
George W. Bush Library opens.
written by manbrad, 23 April 2013
Wanted: Lunatics Who Think They Can Communicate With God
It interested, contact College of Cardinals, Vatican City, Rome.
written by manbrad, 08 March 2013
Good News! George Bush Is In Intensive Care
Bad News: It's the father, not the son.
written by manbrad, 27 December 2012
NRA's LaPierre Proposes Deal
America puts armed guards into schools so we can keep putting guns into the hands of the people that shoot up those schools.
written by manbrad, 21 December 2012
NRA To America: We Are Sane, Reasonable People
But if you try to take our guns we'll kill every last one of you.
written by manbrad, 20 December 2012
Chick-Fil-A Becomes First Corporate Sponsor of Westboro Baptist Church
Protest signs will now read, "God and Chick-Fil-A Hate Fags" and "God Hates Fags But Loves Chick-Fil-A."
written by manbrad, 04 August 2012
Obama Shocks America: I Support Gay Marriage
Americans aren't shocked by his stand supporting gay marriage, they are shocked he's taking an actual stand.
written by manbrad, 09 May 2012
Cheney Dies After Heart Transplant
International war criminal dead at 71 after body rejects introduction of unfamiliar organ.
written by manbrad, 25 March 2012
Christian "Values" Voters Miss Irony of Choosing Newt
South Carolina Republicans reject perceived polygamist for actual polygamist.
written by manbrad, 22 January 2012
Educators Excited About Planned Wikipedia "Blackout"
Wikipedia blackout on January 18 will lead to more accurate and factual homework assignments being turned in on January 19, nation's teachers say.
written by manbrad, 17 January 2012
Romney: "I'll Run U.S. Like I Ran Bain Capital"
Says he'll shut down underperforming states, fire millions of citizens and sell what's left to China.
written by manbrad, 17 January 2012
Like Everyone Else Romney Once Worried About Getting Fired
Unlike everyone else, Romney worried about getting fired from his job of firing people.
written by manbrad, 09 January 2012
Occupy Movement Has Unintended Ironic Victory
Because of Occupy U.S. public officials are suddenly concerned about supposed damage to public spaces they've been neglecting for decades.
written by manbrad, 13 December 2011
Millions Die Tragic Needless Deaths While God Helps Tebow Win
"Fuck those pussies," sayeth the Lord. "I help winners."
written by manbrad, 13 December 2011
Weekly World News To Merge With Fox News
Planned "two-tier" approach will add in more serious fare alongside Fox's regular content.
written by manbrad, 11 December 2011
NYC Riot Police Break Up Manger Scene
Cops dismayed to find that church youth group they beat weren't members of Occupy Wall St. ACLU at a loss deciding whom to defend.
written by manbrad, 08 December 2011
Fox Anchor's Pepper Spray Quote Spawns New Fox News Tag Line
"Fox News: It's a derivative of actual news. It's a fool's product, essentially."
written by manbrad, 23 November 2011
Fired UPenn Coach Joe Paterno Offered New Job
Will head newly created "Office of Child Sexual Abuse Coverups" Vatican announces.
written by manbrad, 10 November 2011
Al Qaeda To Outsource Shooting of American Soldiers
"We're proud to accept this contract with Al Qaeda, but frankly we're happy to shoot American military personnel for free," said a spokesman for the Oakland, CA police department.
written by manbrad, 29 October 2011
Christian Broadcasting Network Introduces New Sitcom
"The Big Bang Is Just A Theory" premieres September 22.
written by manbrad, 19 September 2011
Rick Perry Calls For Ban On Teaching In Schools
Texas governor plans to ask for ban on schools themselves next year.
written by manbrad, 13 September 2011
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