A recent episode of the popular TV show "Cops" aired a list of the top ten most common items found in bras while doing searches. Among the most popular were of course drugs, money, and personal items. The show also revealed a list of the ten most unique items found:...
With the recent recalls and health concerns in China, more Americans than ever are concerned about the safety of their own toothpaste here at home. Here are three tips for protecting your family from toothpaste terrors. * Use only toothpaste you know and trust.
A color-based letter system developed by artist Christian Faur was recently adopted by the United States as the new official language.
Andrew* fidgets with his coffee cup. "I never thought it would happen to me," he says and rubs his face. "I was going to stay married forever."...
A new study has shown that the ozone layer isn't to blame for global warming trends, and scientists are looking in a new direction - at hot women.
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