Serialisation of the unauthorised biography of David Cameron continues today in the Daily Mate. Sources close to Lord Asscroft have indicated that they once heard the story from his "Bullington Club" days. The only witness to the brutal murder of Coc...
Rumours that the restaurant chain Baytarns are about to introduce a restriction on fat people grew yesterday. It is alleged that all customers will have to "pass though a hoop" before getting access to the all you can eat facilities. Those too fat to...
A new study published today shows that cuts in carbon emissions are responsible for the worst winter in over 30 years. Professor Watson from Bognor Rigis Univerity said that the findings were the result of a 10 year study. He explained; "During t...
Catherine Cookson wrote over 2,000 books in her lifetime. All have been published in both hardback and paperback. Nearly all have been released in dramatised form on Video or DVD. Her works have been studied by generations of students throughout the...
The Prime Minister Gordon Brown took time off running the economy yesterday to comment on the latest news about Jade Goody. He came out of Number 10 and spoke to waiting journalists. "The whole of our country, all of us, will be in a state of shoc...
The Internet was shut down for an incredible 7 hours earlier this month following Jade Goody's announcement that she was going ahead with her cancer treatment during the panto season. Engineers working frantically to discover the cause, found tha...
Brave Reality TV heroine Jade Goody has had her beloved £1 million Bentley convertible repossessed by the finance company 'Grabit and Scarpa'. The car originally cost her only £100,000, but due to a variety of exclusive stories in various tabloid...
Phillip Trevors, the £240,000-a-year chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission has spoken out against those who believe racial equality has already been achieved. "We are nowhere even close to equality" he is quoted as saying. He conti...
Reality TV Queen Jade Goody has put up with much personal abuse over the years but has always endured it with good grace. However, her patience finally ran out today with a court order cutting the media bully 'Digital Lie' down to size. The site...
The next series of Countdown will see the long-awaited return of Jade Goody to our TV screens. She will be replacing the current presenter Carol Vorderman who was sensationally sacked last month for...
The US fast food industry and health campaigners are watching closely a lawsuit filed on behalf of several obese teenagers who claim the fast-food company McDonald's is responsible for making them fat.
This year, nothing much has gone right for the reality TV queen. Jade Goody shot to fame on Big Brother 3, where she emerged as the nation's favourite bimbo. Since then she's made over £50 million, in book de...
The Great Lion, Aslan, finally called it a day this week. The creator of Narnia, and Lord of several other fantasy worlds has quit his role as ruler of all talking beasts.
News Knight Sir Trevor McDonald interviewed Celebrity Big Brother star Jade Goody yesterday, about her addiction to slimming pills.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair and American President George W Bush plan to team up to present a new reality TV show next year. The show provisionally titled "So you want to be a world leader……"
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has announced that in addition to the traditional Summer and Winter Olympics, there will be a competition held for Indoor sports. Sports are expected to include darts, snooke...
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's entourage has some people with very unusual jobs. None more so that the Queen's official pardoner. His (or her) role on formal state occasions is to stand up and admit blame for any audible flatu...
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