Editor's Note: When I couldn't nail Jesus Christ down for an interview, I asked him to submit a guest column. On Monday, Jesus Christ filed a lawsuit against "Jesus Candidate", Rick Santorum, citing, "….fraudulent impersonation with intent to gain power over the feeble minded citizens of the Kingdom known as the United States of America…" My Brothers and Sisters: By now you know that circums...
A provision in the much maligned No Child Left Behind Act has helped Arne Duncan, United States Secretary of Education, succeed where Jesus Christ failed. What is particularly remarkable is that Duncan's success came without 140 mile per hour winds,...
Bo, the Obama's two year old Portuguese Water Dog, has a new moniker. The energetic first dog, known for its dense thatch of wiry black hair, is now Mike Hunt. When asked what precipitated the name change, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney e...
Des Moines, LA - For someone who has never set foot in a school, Rick Santorum seemed to be in his element in Miss Hess's first grade classroom. Friday's visit to Miss Hess's first grade classroom at Riverside Elementary School in Des Moines marked...
FBI sources have confirmed that Republican Candidate Herman Cain is being questioned about the 2005 disappearance of the Sausage, the tube-shaped deity that won the world over with its selfless good deeds, its legendary size, and its ability to fill...
Seattle (AP) What do you call a guy who sleeps in a cardboard box, panhandles at the stadium, collects cans and other debris, pisses and shits on lawns, eats road kill, exposes himself to families at the library, assaults handicapped people, steal...
Des Moines (AP) According to Iowa's Commission on Aging, Governor Terry Branstad's six-month old Pull the Plug on Grandma initiative is exceeding all expectations. This Des Moines pilot program, enacted last March to address the slothful behavior of...
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