A man who has, clearly, got a few slates missing, has astounded his family, friends and neighbors by informing them that he is to try to re-invent the wheel. The wheel, which has been used since ancient times - before even 1950 - has become an ind…
Angle Welt was an ordinary man he ruled his cave and the big boulder outside the entrance With a fist of wood, yet something eluded him. Try as he might, he could not think what it was. One morning while sitting outside the cave scraping his nuts, he noticed a Dung Beetle rolling a huge Richard along the path. This he thought, was a message from whatever thing it was that made the green stuff...
New York - The city that never sleeps has been kept on edge this summer by hundreds of bicycle wheels showing up unannounced chained to telephone posts, street lights and bicycle racks.
In a dazzling launch event held at Seattle's Space Needle, Microsoft heralded the launch of their latest product - Microsoft Wheel 2.0.
7:43:00 AM Jack Bauer's hands grip the wheel of the Escalade, white knuckles steering the way toward CTU. "The Mark Has Been Mad...
As the low-key transfer of sovereignty back to the Iraqi people made the headlines, the real proof that life is slowly returning to normal in the war-torn country was happening less than a mile away from the US compound in Baghdad.
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