A young girl with a splitting headache whose sorrowful image has been flashed across the front pages of most of the newspapers across the world, has said that it was, in fact, a terrible migraine she'd had for two days after a stressful day at school…
On the heels of an unsavory moment with Mr. Macron, Mr. Trudeau, and Mr. Johnson at the G-7 summit in London, Mr. Trump has angrily denied he will give a closing press conference. Recently, Mr. Macron is on record as having said NATO is “brain de...
It took a while, but Trace Nelson of New York City eventually realized that his coworker Jennifer Friedman had been pointedly ignoring him for over six months. "I think I must have accidentally offended her in some way," said Trace. "No clue how,...
The already tenuous relations between roommates and former best friends Todd Grayson and Jason Drake took another blow recently as both sides have recently decided to stop speaking to one another following weeks of disputes over which Queen album is...
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