
Funny satire stories about swine flu

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Funny story: Mel Gibson Wondering If Jews Ever Got Swine Flu?

Mel Gibson Wondering If Jews Ever Got Swine Flu?

Mel Gibson may be slipping back into his old ways again and that's not good news for his fans. "No one wants him anymore and he was near the top of the trade about three years ago", stated one producer who knows Gibson and asked not to be named.

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Funny story: The Sh*tFire Flu Deadly!

The Sh*tFire Flu Deadly!

What researchers were afraid of is apparently coming true! Several different "Flu" (Bird, Chicken, Monkey, Hound Dog, etc) have emerged into one new flu that is being called the SH*TFire Flu! "Without warning or even warming, a person will be taki...

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Funny story: Study Finds That Germs Are A Haven For Other Germs

Study Finds That Germs Are A Haven For Other Germs

(Health Anxiety Quarterly) - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently announced a chilling new finding, revealing that germs themselves are some of the dirtiest organisms on our planet. Lead [pronounced leed] researcher, Dr. Hai Po-...

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Funny story: Media hopes for outbreak of swine flu or something interesting

Media hopes for outbreak of swine flu or something interesting

With the news of hurricanes quickly whisking themselves away, the media turns to cold and flu season for its latest outbreak of media frenzy. This affliction which affects mainly reporters and those who run news agencies occurs any time a story i...

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Funny story: Acton driving school owner who supplied US with execution drugs 'offers to sell Tamiflu to NHS'

Acton driving school owner who supplied US with execution drugs 'offers to sell Tamiflu to NHS'

London - (One-Little-Prick News): As profitable sidelines go selling sodium thiopental truth serum to Arizona State Prison has proved to be a nice little earner. Now Acton's Emergency Stop Driving School owner Mehdi Alavi has offered to put UK do...

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Funny story: Patients' Anger At Being Forced To Have Swine Flu Vaccination

Patients' Anger At Being Forced To Have Swine Flu Vaccination

Patients have reacted angrily to the news that they may be forced to have swine flu vaccinations. The proposed programme will see everyone entitled to the flu vaccination being tied down and jabbed repeatedly with needles containing the H1N1 swine fl...

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Funny story: Hand Sanitizer Manufacturer Secretly Releases Third Strand of Swine Flu Virus

Hand Sanitizer Manufacturer Secretly Releases Third Strand of Swine Flu Virus

A liquid hand sanitizer giant has reportedly released a sub-sect strain of the popular swine flu virus to the general public to make up for sagging fourth quarter sales projections. The company saw their stock prices soar over the past year as t...

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Funny story: Wine Flu Infects Millions of Drunks

Wine Flu Infects Millions of Drunks

Sacramento, CA - Hospitals and toilets everywhere are seeing a sharp influx of patients presenting with Wine flu-like symptoms, including dark red vomit, bedspins, and complaints about 'eating some bad chicken'. Wine flu has been known to science...

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Funny story: Swine Gets Skoob Flu

Swine Gets Skoob Flu

Sidney, a baby bacon porker was hospitalised this morning after contracting the NY1DO1 Skoob flu virus. The patient complained of severe pains in the nether regions, outpourings of pointless verbosity, a sudden craving for alcoholic beverages, severe...

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Funny story: Spoof Writer Skoob1999 Thought Wearing Women's Lingerie Was Cure For His Swine Flu

Spoof Writer Skoob1999 Thought Wearing Women's Lingerie Was Cure For His Swine Flu

Popular Spoof writer Skoob1999 was photographed going out for the paper in an embarrasing state of undress. The humorist and organized labor rabblerouser was seen wearing only a pink, lacey teddy by neigbors and other passerbys. Within minutes, he...

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Funny story: Swine Flu Incapacitates Spoofer

Swine Flu Incapacitates Spoofer

The dreaded H1N1 swine flu virus has finally penetrated the inner sanctum of satirical website, leaving Spoof writer Skoob1999 in a desperate struggle to hang on to life itself. As Skoob is a member of this Spoof reporting team, we fi...

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Funny story: Angry mob flu-shot clinics

Angry mob flu-shot clinics

DENVER, Colo - According to my source, stab nurse Ms. Idasoon Peel, as the pandemic spreads, winter nears, and vaccine supplies are short angry mobs are demanding to be infected with the Swine flu. In valiant competition to contribute to solving the...

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Funny story: Swine Flu Linked to Food Chain

Swine Flu Linked to Food Chain

A new national study shows a strong connection between the swine flu and individuals who regularly shop at Swine*Mart outlets. The study-among 13,000 swine flu victims in 13 states-found evidence that customers of the giant mini-grocery chain ca...

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Funny story: Swine Flu Thwarted by New Sanitizer

Swine Flu Thwarted by New Sanitizer

Confirmed by an independent panel of scientists from the U.S., U.K. and Uzbekistan, a new liquid substance has proven highly effective against the spread of the H1N1 (Swine) flu virus. The hypothesized formula was tested on all types of hard surfa...

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Funny story: Drug Manufacturer Reveals Swine Flu Vaccine Actually Placebo

Drug Manufacturer Reveals Swine Flu Vaccine Actually Placebo

Dr. Harvey Patel decided to do the right thing according to his conscience and blow the whistle on the H1N1 vaccine. Patel admitted to television reporters on several morning television shows that the swine flu vaccine currently being distributed wo...

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Funny story: Swine Flu Could Wipe Out Football Season

Swine Flu Could Wipe Out Football Season

Following the outbreak of swine flu at Blackburn Rovers there are fears that the football fixture list could be decimated. Sam Allardyce, the Rovers boss set the blame squarely at the door the of the Premier League, and hinted that the infection m...

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Funny story: Emergency declared: swine flu deaths too low

Emergency declared: swine flu deaths too low

WASHINGTON DC - Emergency declared. Swine flu is not killing as much as hoped, according to my confidential source at the GAO, General Accounting Office. The millions of dollars spent sequencing the virus from the recovered 1918 samples will not be...

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