
Funny satire stories about stanford university

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Funny story: Stanford rapist Brock Turner to be awarded medal for bravery

Stanford rapist Brock Turner to be awarded medal for bravery

SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- Ealier this week it was announced that convicted Stanford rapist Brock Turner would be released after serving half of his six month jail sentence. The Santa Clara District Attorney's office has now released a statement anno...

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Funny story: So This is Where California's Water Has Been Going

So This is Where California's Water Has Been Going

REDDiNG, CALIFORNIA - Today scientists from Stanford University School of Earth Sciences announced a startling discovery - a gigantic sinkhole at the bottom of Lake Shasta, ten miles north of Redding. Lake Shasta, with a surface area of 30,000 acr...

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Funny story: Higgs Boson Not Quite As Reported

Higgs Boson Not Quite As Reported

Physicists recently made headlines by announcing their discovery of the Higgs boson-the long sought-after, so-called "God Particle." The God Particle would explain pretty much everything in the universe. Or so the media report. According to reputable...

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Funny story: Nomad Planets Mad at Earth!

Nomad Planets Mad at Earth!

According to a new Study by the Clavical Reconstituted Astrophysical Particular Cosmotology Institute (CRAPCI) said "Nomad planets" may mob the Milky Way. In fact they are particularly unhappy with Planet Earth, a non-nomadic planet. "Nomad planets"...

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Funny story: 16yr old Condy Rice Nude Pics On Internet

16yr old Condy Rice Nude Pics On Internet

The US State Department has gone into damage control after nude shots of outgoing Secretary Of State Condoleeza Rice appeared on some Internet sites over the weekend. The pictures were taken some 16 years ago when Ms Rice, then 38, was studying Po...

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