With the games drudging past the half way mark, the international enthusiasm for everyone's favorite team is starting to wane, which has our sports reporter asking this very important question: Do the winter Olympics suck a large steaming dog turd?...
Apparently, when people prove themselves correct over others, they often enjoy gloating for a moment, using sarcasm. According to new research, four out of five people who win an argument will use the addage, "I hate to say I told you so, but I told...
Recent research into Antisocial Personality Disorder sufferers has uncovered a related, but much more serious disorder called I'm Actually An Asshole Disorder. Dr Novous Reck from the Berlin-based Itsalla Bout-May Institute presented his findings...
After its 2009 bankruptcy and its $50 billion government bailout, the bankruptcy absolved Universal Moters of existing personal injury claims, stripping the victims of their constitutional rights to have their day in court. Now, it turns out UM,...
Some poems by Homer, the Greek poet, (around 850 BC), contain accounts of the genesis of the world and the succession of divine rule etc. According to the doctrine of 'divine right to rule', a monarch or a despot derives his indisputable right to rule directly from God. According to some dead Persian poets, three essential elements are required to make a person a right king: bestowed divine gl...
One of our colleagues has, apparently, turned his back on the 'commoners' amongst us and is trying to 'get in' with the posh crowd. Nick Hobbs, featured writer on December 11th, in his Congratulations thread, which incidentally, he started himself in case no one else would. . .is claiming to have had an accident. A source told The Spoof today that, in an effort to cross over to the "other...
The World Toilet Lid Courtesy Council issued a new set of recommendations for toilet seat use Monday. Citing toilet seat position a the number five cause of divorce worldwide, the council believes their new guidelines will increase family harmony and...
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