African Americans and other racial minorities across the United States should be equipped with body cameras in an attempt to combat the ever-increasing crimes committed against them by law enforcement officers. A spokesman for Black Lives Matter s…
Internationally unrenowned writer Kilroy Kovacs has announced his retirement after a long, unsuccessful career as a satire writer, in order to pursue a new career in news journalism. The fake news community reacted immediately with the same general i…
With the rise of Trumpism causing many new and escalating old conflicts using the latest in political armaments from™, language and public sanity have become one of the main causalities. A recent study commissioned by the Ameri...
As reported earlier today by Zero Hedge, in tribute to April 1 and the joke's on you, a new automatic answering service to Russian embassy services offers the following options: "You have reached the Russian embassy, your call is very important t...
Thanks to the miracle of modern scientific medicine and the operating table, it is now possible to entirely reshape the contours of the human skull. The result is what is described medically as an operation to produce the calvarium clausus, or a s...
The Oxford English Dictionary online has been updated to include some "Americanisms." Last year the quarterly publications included new words or terms such as "Selfing" and "OMG,." as in "OMG, I Am, Like, Literally Unfriending You." The new online update includes: Bullshit. n, adj. A term associated with such politicians as Sen. Ted Cruz of the state of Texas, who was both a brilliant und...
Disturbing, yet unconfirmed reports, emanating from North Korea are suggesting that several political opponents of leader Kim Jong Un were set upon by a pack of former NBA basketball players, led by Dennis Rodman, that hadn't eaten in days as Kim and...
Deep inside North Korea where no westerners live there is a cave which houses--entirely unsuspected by North Korean authorities--a strange person with long beard, rug cap, and laptop. This person, according to interviews with spokespersons of all...
Prime Minister Netanyahu announced at a press conference that Israel plans to build a Disneyland in the West Bank that will be a replica of the Disneyland in California. Reporters had many questions. "Mr. Prime Minister, the West Bank isn't that b...
Longtime senator Chester Snavely held a press conference on the steps of the Repentant Sinner Monastery in Valdosta, Georgia as he announced his decision to resign from the Senate and become a monk. Senator Snavely, long known for his support of the...
A recent security conference held at Aspen Colorado was sponsored by CNN and emceed by Wolf Blitzer. He opened by saying that he knew how hard it was "to run an operation like this." One of the first to speak was former Attorney General under the Bus...
WASHINGTON - "The campaign trail never ends", said campaign strategist Jennifer O'Hair in a Whitehouse interview last Thursday. She, among other professionals, has been working relentlessly since Obama's inauguration in January to uncover campaign...
Wayne LaPierre, the NRA's CEO, insists we can stop global warming by placing armed guards at the North and South poles. He acknowledges this will be costly, but feels the Earth should not be denied its Second Amendment Rights. "We focus too much on f...
During the 2012 fiscal year the federal government spent more on immigration enforcement-18 billion-than on every other federal enforcement agency combined. We've build endless fences, surveillance towers, and added significantly to the numbe...
When the State of the Union rebuttal is drowned out by the speaker touching his face and drinking water it's time to admit, "Talking about liberals is just boring." No one is freaking out enough to watch 24 hour news coverage about fixing bridges,...
Everyone knows that I'm an extreme conservative. I'm the kind of hard stomping guy usually depicted in Super Bowl Truck commercials. I drive my Ford F350 from my house in the suburbs to my high impact job as an Accountant downtown. Today's hero of Freedom is conservative Radio sensation Alex Jones. Alex is the kind of hard hitting conservative who wanted to deport suspected Redcoat Piers Mor...
Everyone knows that I'm an extreme conservative. I'm the kind of conservative who listens to Ronald Reagan's speeches while watching Fox News at the gun range. Today's hero of freedom is Tennessee's State Congressman Stacey Campfield. Stacey is the kind of man (you read that right! Totally a dude named Stacey) who has big ideas. One of his first big ideas was that AIDS in only a gay thing.
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