
Funny satire stories about nuclear power

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Funny story: Rainbow-Colored Dogs Have Been Discovered Near A Cambodian Nuclear Power Plant

Rainbow-Colored Dogs Have Been Discovered Near A Cambodian Nuclear Power Plant

FOO PHUCK CITY, Cambodia – (Satire News) – Nuclear experts from the US, the UK, and Costa Rica have ascended on the town of Foo Phuck to investigate a very strange, phenomenal occurrence. It appears that the local residents have discovered rainbow…

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Funny story: Fusion Reactor Melts Down at Commonwealth Facility in United States, Causing a Major Setback

Fusion Reactor Melts Down at Commonwealth Facility in United States, Causing a Major Setback

Scientists at the Commonwealth Fusion Facility in United States were experimenting with a compact type of fusion reactor. All was good until 10 years later, when lint caused a cooling pump to fail. According to survivors, lint is a major cause of…

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Funny story: White House confirms Bolton dropped into North Korea and returned by fishing trawler to USS Carl Vinson

White House confirms Bolton dropped into North Korea and returned by fishing trawler to USS Carl Vinson

Wrapped in a shawl in disguise as a halmoni (Korean grandmother), Mr. Bolton has recently completed a tour of the Punggyerae test site. White House Chief of Staff General Kelly has confirmed Mr. Bolton was parachuted in the dead of night with dead...

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Funny story: End of The Universe?

End of The Universe?

Scientists at the Hadron Particle Accelerator outside Geneva, Switzerland are all excited at being given 'permission' to conduct a "ground breaking" particle experiment in the 27 kilometre long tunnel. Lead particles will be accelerated at veloci...

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Funny story: Some Inner City Youth Go To Fukushima

Some Inner City Youth Go To Fukushima

The U.S. unemployment rate fell to 7.7 percent in early 2014. That's rather high, but it's nothing compared to what black teens are grappling with: an unemployment rate that grew to 43.1 percent. Of course the rate is even worse for inner city black...

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Funny story: US Nuclear Military Cheat On Tests, Are Drunk

US Nuclear Military Cheat On Tests, Are Drunk

America's relation to nuclear energy is once again problematic. This time it is sailors training on nuclear reactors cheating on tests involving classified material. A navy investigation is underway as 30 senior enlisted seamen have been suspended...

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Funny story: A Nuclear Reactor In Your Pocket?

A Nuclear Reactor In Your Pocket?

The race is on to develop a new breed of nuclear reactors. The nuclear power industry, still reeling after the Fukishima Disater - which has spread radioactivity to the U.S.' West Coast and created glowing fish -wants to change it image. It's going...

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Funny story: Higgs Boson is Wrong God particle says Vatican

Higgs Boson is Wrong God particle says Vatican

175 metres beneath the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva, Switzerland a thousand scientists are seeking the key to the universe. Last year an announcement was made that it had been found in a waste paper basket near the Atlas complex at the LHCA. B...

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Funny story: Poverty-Stricken Christian Boy Asks God to Let Him Out By Side of Road

Poverty-Stricken Christian Boy Asks God to Let Him Out By Side of Road

After his father was laid off from his construction job and his family became forced to subsist on food stamps and public assistance, eight-year-old Chris Peterson of Augusta, Georgia, prayed to God, specifically requesting that he be let out by the...

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Funny story: London 'Must Pay To Clean Up Scots Oil Rigs'

London 'Must Pay To Clean Up Scots Oil Rigs'

An unseemly diplomatic row is festering between the Scottish Parliament and Whitehall following comments by the SNP energy minister concerning decommissioned oil rigs. Fergus Ewing told the Commons Energy Committee that Westminster should pick up...

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Funny story: Japanese Company Distributes "Glow In The Dark" Sushi

Japanese Company Distributes "Glow In The Dark" Sushi

Toy-Sun Enterprises of Tokyo has started shipping their new product, Glow In The Dark Sushi, to distributors all around the world for comsumption in Japanese restaurants and sushi bars. The product is expected to be a hit with many diners who are loo...

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Funny story: Japanese Nuclear Crisis Has Spawned Godzilla

Japanese Nuclear Crisis Has Spawned Godzilla

Tomoyuki Tanaka, the creator of Godzilla, was apparently predicting the future in his landmark film. It has been reported that a pet iguana whom resided in a nuclear power plant office, and ironically was named "Gojira" after the iconic movie monster...

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Funny story: Japan Accidentally Evacuated After Nuke Tech Misreads LCD

Japan Accidentally Evacuated After Nuke Tech Misreads LCD

Japan was temporarily evacuated yesterday afternon after experts working at the stricken Fukushima Die Itchy power plant accidentally reported that radiation levels outside the plant were 10 million times higher than government safety levels. Air...

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Funny story: Japan Nuclear Threat 'No Problem' To Gay Man

Japan Nuclear Threat 'No Problem' To Gay Man

A gay man from Manchester has publicly stated that the threat posed by the potential nuclear meltdown in Japan, has left him 'bored' and that, rather than being worried about the effects of a dose of radiation, he is more concerned over what he is go...

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Funny story: Foolish Citizens Fear Nuclear Power

Foolish Citizens Fear Nuclear Power

In spite of reassurances that nuclear plants are completely safe, some panicky citizens continue to fear nuclear disaster. As talk show host Rush Limbaugh put it on his radio program, "Barack Obama showed what a wuss he is by ordering a Federal R...

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Funny story: Brand new TV gameshow will involve Japan's Fukushima reactor

Brand new TV gameshow will involve Japan's Fukushima reactor

In a nation whose long and idiosyncratic history includes ritual suicide, Kamikaze bombers, and bizarre TV gameshows, the announcement by NHK's Banzai Nagasaki of a brand new "once-only" gameshow which will centre around the Fukushima nuclear power p...

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Funny story: Advertising Firm Pitches Charlie Sheen iPhone-4 Campaign in Japan

Advertising Firm Pitches Charlie Sheen iPhone-4 Campaign in Japan

Mega international advertising giant, Dewey, Sellum and Haard was reportedly seen in Japan with Charlie Sheen just outside of the Fukushima nuclear power plant filming what appeared to be a commercial for the new iPhone. Insiders on the photo sh...

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