
Funny satire stories about nebraska

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Funny story: The Reason Why The State of Nebraska Has Filed a Lawsuit Against Delta Airlines

The Reason Why The State of Nebraska Has Filed a Lawsuit Against Delta Airlines

LINCOLN, Nebraska - (Satire News) - Reports coming out of the Corn Cob state of Nebraska state that the citizens of the mid-American state are angry as-shit at Delta Airlines. According to Cinderella St. Lamb, with The Daily Drama News Agency, the…

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Funny story: A Hog Farmer in Nebraska Discovers He Has a Pig With 12 Legs

A Hog Farmer in Nebraska Discovers He Has a Pig With 12 Legs

CORNHUSKER CREEK, Nebraska – (Satire News) – A Nebraska hog farmer has informed the local news media that one of his hogs has an amazing 12 legs. Sal McMango, Jr., 76, who has been raising hogs since September 17, 1968, said that he has probably r…

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Funny story: The Entire Population of Texas Says That Nebraska Senator Sasse is Nothing But a Pile of Chupacabra Shit

The Entire Population of Texas Says That Nebraska Senator Sasse is Nothing But a Pile of Chupacabra Shit

AUSTIN – (Satire News) – iRumors is reporting that Texas Governor Greg Abbott has issued a proclamation prohibiting Nebraska Senator Bennie Sasse from ever setting foot in Texas. The senator from the “Crème-Style Corn State” has angered every man,…

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Funny story: Residents of A Senior Citizens Home in Nebraska Are Passing the Time by Playing Twister

Residents of A Senior Citizens Home in Nebraska Are Passing the Time by Playing Twister

BROKEN BOW, Nebraska - Flossie Wunderwurst, the director of The Napping Nightingale Senior Citizens Home, which houses 603 older men and women, states that, everyone in the entire home is doing well and are in a happy mood, considering. The long-...

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Funny story: Nebraska Artist Struck Dead by Inspiration

Nebraska Artist Struck Dead by Inspiration

At shortly before midnight on a frigid winter night, 32-year-old landscape painter and architectural renderer Vincent Heidelberg, of Lincoln, Nebraska, was struck by a bolt of inspiration – which rendered him dead. “It’s a shock and a tragedy,” sa…

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Funny story: Man Invents Breakthrough Contraption That Assist Old People Who Are Always Forgetting Shit

Man Invents Breakthrough Contraption That Assist Old People Who Are Always Forgetting Shit

Omaha, Nebraska - A lifelong resident here, has created a breakthrough invention for aging adults with memory troubles. Philip Myers, 63, claims The Invention will change people's lives. "It happens to all of us old folks," states Myers. "We're si...

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Funny story: Ricketts Premeditates State Executions

Ricketts Premeditates State Executions

Lincoln, Nebraska - Despite the fact that Governor Pete Ricketts' veto to repeal the death penalty was overridden by Nebraskan State Senators, Ricketts has promised to continue with executions. In his first attempt, he made a deal with an undergr...

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Funny story: Nebraska First State to Prohibit Texting While in an Accident

Nebraska First State to Prohibit Texting While in an Accident

The state of Nebraska has passed strict regulations prohibiting texting while in a car accident. They have added the clause describing any such accident as "fatal or not," adding what they consider to be "real strength" to the law. A spokespers...

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Funny story: Woman almost kills child by accident after ringing poison information line

Woman almost kills child by accident after ringing poison information line

Lincoln, Nebraska- A woman frantically rang a local poison information line after her 7 year old daughter ate some black carpenter ants in the back yard. The operator assured her that the ants were harmless but advised against the child eating any...

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Funny story: Nebraska Groups Move To Ban Internet Porn

Nebraska Groups Move To Ban Internet Porn

LINCOLN, Nebraska - There is presently a movement in the state of Nebraska to prevent the state's residents from viewing porn on the thousands and thousands of Internet porn sites. Several groups are advocating the banning of these vulgarian sites...

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Funny story: Rosie O'Donnell Gets Extremely Offended At The Sex-Change Insinuation

Rosie O'Donnell Gets Extremely Offended At The Sex-Change Insinuation

OGALLALA, Nebraska - Rosie O'Donnell was in Ogallala where she was the grand marshal of The Annual Corn Cob Festival and Parade. She was having breakfast at a local Flat As A Pancake Pancake House with two of the town council members Flora Mimosa...

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Funny story: George and Barbara Bush Finally Give Up on W., Dump Him At Nebraska Hospital!

George and Barbara Bush Finally Give Up on W., Dump Him At Nebraska Hospital!

Omaha,NE, Children's Hospital - Citing Nebraska's Safe Haven Law to take in unruly children, The Former President and First Lady, dropped off the current President, George W., hoping the action would finally give the nation some peace during the dec...

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Funny story: Fear Factor Exposes Nebraska Town's Dirty Secret

Fear Factor Exposes Nebraska Town's Dirty Secret

MILFORD, NE --- For three months, Nebraska's cattle industry robber barons had been able to keep a lid on their smelly secret. And if it hadn't been for one of TV's top rating reality shows, no one except the residents of Seward County would have kn...

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Funny story: National draft may affect Local Procrastinator

National draft may affect Local Procrastinator

Broken Bow, Nebraska...

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