Boris Johnson is asking if he should use yet another illegal lockdown party as an alibi. 'Yes, crikey' wittered Johnson 'I seem to have got myself in a bit of a pickle with both the police and an irate husband. The two issues could be addressed if…
After weeks of surveilling his own thoughts, Cody Owens of Nashville, Tennessee, came to suspect himself of terrorism – or at least of having markedly terrorist bent. “I’ve always been against unchecked surveillance,” said Owens, a self-described…
Although they have forgotten about you completely for the past 16 months, companies are starting to email you again. 'It was quite a shock' said Brian Asshat 'The organisation I used to volunteer at before lock-down has sent me an email, asking me…
In the midst of continuing lockdowns, vaccine passports, and widespread censorship, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has reported a troubling new addiction on the rise among male-identifying neoliberals: a media genre sensati…
Your old mate Dave, now has a beard. You haven't seen him since before the first lockdown, and at first, you didn't know it was him until he shouted at you across the street, and you recognised his voice. It really suits him. Dave takes up the…
The Governor of California's rules state that the tier color purple does not allow eating inside restaurants. The basic principle here is that covid does not roam as freely in 39% weather on the patio, especially in wind and rain. This conclusi…
Constitutional rights are no longer completely off the map in the United States, Dr. Randi Wallace of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently announced; fully vaccinated people at low risk of death from COVID-19 may now gather in very…
Citing concerns that even “double-masking” as recommended by NIAID Director, Dr. Anthony Fauci, may not be fully effective in preventing the spread of the pesky flu-like bug known as COVID-19, Inner World Introverts Society issued a statement endorsi…
Earlier this week, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a plan for how the lockdown will finally be lifted in the UK - or at least in the parts he still controls, so only England. The plan is to ease restrictions in stages to minimise the chances o…
Curious as it may be, Mr. Trump's coming impeachment trial has aroused Democrats in unexpected ways. Speaking on the senate floor about Mr. Trump's upcoming trial, Senate Majority Leader, Charles Schumer recently stated: “Make no mistake, ther…
A man who has borne the Coronavirus crisis with what seemed to others as a 'steady resolve' during unprecedented times, has revealed that his cool, calm exterior is disguising a multitude of psychological problems, and that he has had just about as m…
(NOT EDITED) A German court in Solingen has found Herr Fritz Fritsche guilty on more counts of locking down his family in two pandemic waves, one from March till June and the other from September till December! Fritz Fritsche, a local Waste Techni…
A man who arrived at work this morning, only to be told that he should go home again because the government had just announced a second lockdown, has said he was well and truly pissed off, because his wife, who had brought him to work on her motorbik…
Directly following his recent embarrassment at being caught at a dinner for twelve with no masks, and no social distancing, California's Governor Newsom is again in trouble. Additionally, the Governor's claim of the restaurant's setting as “outdoo…
The lockdown is something that is, obviously, not a good thing for many people, but it is a necessary evil, if we are to eradicate COVID-19. However, on the path to vaccines, there are many mountains to climb, especially with women developing 'barge-…
Mayor of New York, Bill DeBlasio, reports his daughter is recovering nicely and will be released soon. His daughter, Chiara DeBlasio, 25, showed signs of a second indication of perfide rei publicae lingua (rogue political tongue) in Democratic Cir…
A man who had been experiencing severe financial difficulties before he eventually returned to work six weeks ago, has continued to exercise the spending constraints he imposed during the lockdown, claiming it is good practice for the future. Moys…
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