
Funny satire stories about kardashians

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Funny story: The Kardashian Sisters Buy Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion

The Kardashian Sisters Buy Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion

HOLMBY HILLS, California - (Satire News) - Bedroom Pillow Talk reporter Carolina Chipotle recently sat down with the three older Kardashian sisters at an Intoxicated Iguana Lounge in Holmby Hills. Kim and Khloe had a papaya Margarita, while Kourtn…

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Funny story: The Kardashian Sisters Have Just Purchased One of The Top Porn Sites In America

The Kardashian Sisters Have Just Purchased One of The Top Porn Sites In America

HOLLYWOOD - (Satire News) - The Kardashian sisters are without a doubt the richest sisters in the entire nation, and according to Rich Gals Monthly Illustrated, the world. They have been described as the Female Midas Touch Bitches by Bedroom Pillo…

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Funny story: The Five Kardashian Sisters Are Very Concerned About The Nation's Tampon Shortage

The Five Kardashian Sisters Are Very Concerned About The Nation's Tampon Shortage

HIDDEN HILLS, California - (Satire News) - Tabloid Today's Papaya Bamboo says that the Kardashian sisters are extremely upset about the tampon shortage that has just hit the nation. Miss Bamboo said that Kim, who was recently dumped by her boyfrie…

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Funny story: Kayne is a Kunt

Kayne is a Kunt

Kayne West will say anything to get attention. From being Trump’s buddy to saying he was going to run for president, saying slavery was a choice, saying he was a genius, and wearing “White Lives Matter”, to now saying black people are actually je…

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Funny story: The 5 Kardashian Sisters To Star In a Documentary Titled, "Hi Y'all We're The Kardashian Sisters and We Want You To Meet All of The Black Boyfriends We've Had"

The 5 Kardashian Sisters To Star In a Documentary Titled, "Hi Y'all We're The Kardashian Sisters and We Want You To Meet All of The Black Boyfriends We've Had"

HOLLYWOOD - (Satire News) - Word filtering out of Tinsel Town is that the five Karkdashian sisters will be staring in a documentary film that promises to surprise the hell out of white guys who have been wanting to date the "K Girls," as President Bi…

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Funny story: The Kardashian Sisters, Kim, Khloe, and Kortney Are All Pregnant!

The Kardashian Sisters, Kim, Khloe, and Kortney Are All Pregnant!

HOLLYWOOD - (Satire News) - Well what are the odds that the three eldest Kardashian sisters, Kim, Khloe, and Kortney would all get knocked up within the same month. But as the locals say over in Tottenham, England, "Dat tis exactly watt 'appened m…

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Funny story: The Rise And Fall Of The Third Wife: Slim Everdingle Gets Hat Trick

The Rise And Fall Of The Third Wife: Slim Everdingle Gets Hat Trick

BILLINGSGATE POST: Slim was never the smooth talker who instinctively said the right thing. Pretty little Simone, his third wife, thought she had won the matrimonial equivalent of lotto when Slim proposed to her on Facebook. Tired of Moscow’s brut...

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Funny story: Trump Talks Diverted to UK After Massive Gaffe

Trump Talks Diverted to UK After Massive Gaffe

President Donald Trump has been diverted to the UK for talks with North Korean Leader Kim Jung Un. In a spectacular gaffe, his aide, who hails from Skipton in Yorkshire in the United Kingdom of Great Brtain had mistakenly booked the historical pea...

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Funny story: North West Kardashian is to be Married Off to Bobby "Bonzai" Bonacelli This Sunday on Saint Kitts Island

North West Kardashian is to be Married Off to Bobby "Bonzai" Bonacelli This Sunday on Saint Kitts Island

BASSETERRE on SAINT KITTS ISLAND - North West Kardashian/West is to be married off to Bobby "Bonzai" Bonacelli this coming Sunday in a $5 million wedding extravaganza extraordinaire' on the Caribbean Island of Saint Kitts, in the quaint city of Bass...

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Funny story: Kim Kardashian has personality enlargement operation

Kim Kardashian has personality enlargement operation

TV reality star Kim Kardashian has left hospital following plastic surgery giving her a personality enlargement. The "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" star has had breast and ass enlargements in the past, however the star wanted to improve her person...

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Funny story: Kim Kardashian wins "Best Kim Kardashian" at the Kim Kardashian Awards

Kim Kardashian wins "Best Kim Kardashian" at the Kim Kardashian Awards

Hosted last night by her mother Kris Jenner in Los Angeles Kim Kardashian won the "Best Kim Kardashian award" for the third year running of the prestigious awards ceremony which has been running for three years. "It was so scary I was dreading get...

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Funny story: The Kardashians are even more revolting in real life

The Kardashians are even more revolting in real life

Hollywood was in uproar last night after a celebrity plastic surgeon accidentally revealed that the Kardashians have been sharing their fat. Dr Geoffrey Nipantuck from the Beverly Hills Institute of Veterinarians accidently emailed details of the sis...

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Funny story: Russell Brand Tells Bruce Jenner He Wants To Date Him After He Has His Sex-Change Operation

Russell Brand Tells Bruce Jenner He Wants To Date Him After He Has His Sex-Change Operation

WEST HOLLYWOOD - Russell Brand and Bruce Jenner have always been good friends, but Brand recently said that one day he hopes to be even closer friends. Brand spoke with Ling Chow Rangoon of iRumors at The Enchanted Enchilada Restaurant in West Hol...

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Funny story: Mama Kardashian Bemoans a Slow News Week

Mama Kardashian Bemoans a Slow News Week

"Those Duck Dynasty guys have ruined my week! We haven't had one news item on TV, online, or in print in an entire seven days!" Kris Kardashian complained to her daughter Kim and North West's baby-daddy Kanye West. "Mom, these Duck guys are done. They're cooked. Just like a cooked goose," Kim said. "Yeah, I don't think they'll be entering the hip-hop scene anytime soon," Kenye snipped. "Unle...

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Funny story: Google Street and Country Cameras Catching UFOs?

Google Street and Country Cameras Catching UFOs?

Apparently scientists at NASA are having trouble identifying exactly what Google Street pix are pulling in. "At first we all had a good laugh", stated Dr. Douglas Reynolds. "But then the evidence kept piling up." A few reporters have seen the a...

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Funny story: The Real Reason Behind Kris Jenner's Seperation...RG III

The Real Reason Behind Kris Jenner's Seperation...RG III

Washington, D.C. - In shocking news, Kris Jenner announced today that she and husband, Bruce, have separated after 22 years of being unhappily married. At first, it appeared the king and queen of reality television parted ways due to Kris' inabi...

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Funny story: Biden's Smile: Proctologist Ruined Perfect Asshole When He Put Teeth In Biden's Mouth

Biden's Smile: Proctologist Ruined Perfect Asshole When He Put Teeth In Biden's Mouth

BILLINGSGATE POST - Dr. Alfred Cummings, proctologist to the stars, has performed many miracles operating on Hollywood assholes. Just to name a few; he claims to have rebored the bungholes of such Hollywood notables as Jack Nicholson, Clint Eastwoo...

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