
Funny satire stories about images

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Funny story: Images of Crucifixion - Sales Boom

Images of Crucifixion - Sales Boom

Govenment experts puzzling over pre-Easter sales of crucifixion memorabilia are analysing possible reasons. One currently popular reason is that it is a sign of support for the return of the barbaric form of capital punishment. "A leading histori...

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Funny story: God Confirms: Images of Mary Not Present in Tree Bark or Rust Stains

God Confirms: Images of Mary Not Present in Tree Bark or Rust Stains

Heaven (CNN) - Saying "Enough is enough," God yesterday released a statement making it clear that He is not creating images of The Virgin Mary, Jesus, any Saints, or any other sort of image in tree bark, rust stains, scars, Cheetos, reflections from...

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Funny story: Facebook uses high-tech to solve porn spammer case: they read statuses

Facebook uses high-tech to solve porn spammer case: they read statuses

HARFOLD, Vt.--Facebook released a statement saying that they were able to identify the spammer who flooded Facebook's newsfeed with pornographic and disturbing images. Harfold resident Cyril Lewis is currently in custody at Harfold County Jail. Fa...

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Funny story: Starry, starry night

Starry, starry night

After my encounter with Osama Ben Laden, in the veggie market of Kabul, I returned home to spell out the details to my partner. Using a magnifier, we examined the images in the translucent precious stone given to me by Osama. They were very impressive, particularly the image of a hooded crow.

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Funny story: Vista: play install DVD backwards- hear devil talking

Vista: play install DVD backwards- hear devil talking

Not only that, but a tiny photo of three grinning men -- less that 1 mm in size -- is one of several images incorporated into the hologram's design intended to make it harder to replicate a Vista DVD, according to Nick White on Microsoft's Vista team blog.

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Funny story: A Comprehensive Search Of The Spoof's Image Gallery Yields No Results

A Comprehensive Search Of The Spoof's Image Gallery Yields No Results

What is the use of having an article on Ted Kennedy without showing him drunk, having him fall face first into Boston Harbour. And what would an article of President Bush be without having an image of him fishing for prech on his man-made Crawford La...

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