
Funny satire stories about happiness

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Funny story: Nashville man believes happiness may be achievable with some strategic tweaks

Nashville man believes happiness may be achievable with some strategic tweaks

"I'm not there yet," said Sam Crawford of Nashville, Tennessee, regarding his lifelong dream of finding happiness. "But I think a few strategic tweaks could get me there. Shooting distance, for sure." One life tweak Crawford is considering, in the…

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Funny story: The Country of Holland Creates A Chant To Help Improve Its Morale

The Country of Holland Creates A Chant To Help Improve Its Morale

Amsterdam, Holland – According to, this low country is already the fifth happiest country in the world. However Holland (or the Netherlands if you prefer) for a long long time has hoped to edge its way up the ladder into th…

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Funny story: Masturbators Convention is a blast after all! So says the ACMA Prez

Masturbators Convention is a blast after all! So says the ACMA Prez

Chuck Bonica, President of the American Compulsive Masturbators Association (ACMA) has been an openly proud masturbator for the bulk of his 60 years. As the ACMA annual convention wrapped up this morning, Chuck was happy to report it was a big su…

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Funny story: Man Believes Life Is Better With More Exclamation Marks!

Man Believes Life Is Better With More Exclamation Marks!

A man has taken a cue from an episode of 'Seinfeld', and decided that every word out of his mouth, and everyone else's, should end in an exclamation mark! "It's just more fun and exciting to speak and write this way!" Lars Gumpy proclaimed! "Think…

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Funny story: Fringe theatre organisers distressed as one production is a happy play

Fringe theatre organisers distressed as one production is a happy play

The play ‘My happy childhood, successful career and great marriage’ has shocked fringe theatre organisers, as the audience didn’t leave, wanting to commit suicide. “I’ve been curating the ‘The Swinge’ (The Swindon Fringe) since before the mass aud…

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Funny story: Nashville Man Dons Cloak of Happiness

Nashville Man Dons Cloak of Happiness

After decades of sporting a downtrodden expression and generally gloomy air, Nate Brigsby of Nashville, Tennessee, decided to switch up his go-to emotional garment, and, instead, don a cloak of happiness each day. "It's figurative," he explained.

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Funny story: Nashville Man Considers Becoming Bipolar

Nashville Man Considers Becoming Bipolar

"Emotions are exhausting," noted Ben Moffat of Nashville, Tennessee. "It would be a whole lot easier to have just two of them." For that reason,  Moffat explained that he is seriously considering becoming bipolar. "That way, when someone asks me h...

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Funny story: Nashville Man Reluctantly Accepts Unconditional Happiness

Nashville Man Reluctantly Accepts Unconditional Happiness

After decades of attempting to find happiness though career success and personal relationships but never managing to attain any of these things, Casey Chapman of Nashville, Tennessee, reluctantly accepted unconditional happiness. "It wasn't my fir...

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Funny story: Nashville Man Locks Keys to Happiness - and Regular Keys - in Car

Nashville Man Locks Keys to Happiness - and Regular Keys - in Car

Jesse Hancock of Nashville, Tennessee, delighted to discover the keys to happiness in a book at his neighborhood branch library, hastily jotted them on a scrap of paper, only to accidentally lock them in his car - along with his regular keys. "So...

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Funny story: Being a Condescending, Self-Righteous, Greedy, Narcissistic Asshole Actually Leads to Happiness, According To Report

Being a Condescending, Self-Righteous, Greedy, Narcissistic Asshole Actually Leads to Happiness, According To Report

Scientists and researchers at the University of Colorado came to the conclusion, Friday, that condescending, self-righteous, narcissistic assholes who judge, criticize, and ridicule those around them actually do find happiness in the long run.

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Funny story: Nashville Woman Enjoys Discussing Her Positive Attitude

Nashville Woman Enjoys Discussing Her Positive Attitude

"Attitude is everything," Tara Brockwell of Nashville, Tennessee, enjoys telling everyone who's willing to listen - like her coworker Alan York, whom she'd waylaid this particular Monday morning in the office kitchen while he was getting coffee. "Sta...

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Funny story: Life Continues to Get “Bettor and Bettor” for Gambling Addict

Life Continues to Get “Bettor and Bettor” for Gambling Addict

Calvin Jones, a self-identified gambling addict, says that his life continues to get “bettor and bettor” as he continues to discover new and exciting things on which to wager. As a former semipro baseball player, Cal explained that he initially gr...

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Funny story: Mind-Blowing New Study Reveals Link Between Poverty and Depression

Mind-Blowing New Study Reveals Link Between Poverty and Depression

A mind-blowing new study, The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, recently revealed a link between poverty and depression, reporting that people living in poverty are actually twice as likely to be depressed as those who are able to provide for their...

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Funny story: The meaning of 'Happiness'?

The meaning of 'Happiness'?

'Happiness, happiness, the greatest gift that I possess, I thank the Lord that I've been blessed, With more than my share of happiness'. Many will recognise these lyrics as the chorus to the 1964 hit 'Happiness', made famous by the buck-toothed,...

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Funny story: The Unhappy Famous

The Unhappy Famous

Suicide bombers' favourite magazine "What-Makes-U-Tick" recently did a biographical study of the rich and famous. It is soon to be made into a fifteen part Television Series by CNN. It appears that few, if any of them, were actually happy with their station in life. Envied by millions all over the world, yet they felt they would have been much happier as somebody else. The article titled "...

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Funny story: Peaceful Or Happier

Peaceful Or Happier

Broadland, Norfolk, is said to be the most peaceful local council area in the UK, and Lewisham, London, to be the least; but the tiny Hampshire village of Ower close to Southampton claims to be one of the happiest villages in the UK. The village h...

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Funny story: Thatcher to Receive State Funeral at Taxpayers Expense

Thatcher to Receive State Funeral at Taxpayers Expense

In an outpouring of grief the world went into joy and mourning today when the news suddenly broke that Thatcher had finally snuffed it. Nicknamed the 'The Iron Lady' by her political counter parts and 'Coochy Woochy' by ex-US President Ronald Reagan,...

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