
Funny satire stories about greenhouse gasses

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Funny story: World's first eco-friendly execution centre opens as wind farm goes dual-purpose

World's first eco-friendly execution centre opens as wind farm goes dual-purpose

The world's first eco-friendly execution centre has just opened at The Sunny Wind Farm Company in Quakerville, Pennsylvania. Chad and Chuck Cadbury shook while explaining their vision: ‘Our wind turbines often generate excess electricity, and it…

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Funny story: Surgeon General Warns about Secondhand Gas

Surgeon General Warns about Secondhand Gas

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Secondhand gas dramatically increases the risk of acute nausea, insult to the nasal lining, asthma attacks, and even asphyxiation, this according to U.S. Surgeon General Vice Admiral Jerome Adams. In a sobering report issued November...

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Funny story: Twelve Little Known Provisions in the Fine Print of the “Green New Deal”

Twelve Little Known Provisions in the Fine Print of the “Green New Deal”

Close scrutiny of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” reveals the following key provisions, which are hereby provided as public service. The United States shall henceforth be renamed ‘Alexandria’s Fossil Fuel Free Fiefdom’ with Queens, New...

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Funny story: Biofuels Research in Canada

Biofuels Research in Canada

In a recent press conference, Canadian Pry Minister Justin Truedough briefly summarized efforts made by his country's scientists to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions: "We tried producing corn alcohol, but our Newfies drank up all of it before it could be added to our gasoline. Undeterred, our scientists turned to another crop which is being grown in massive quantities in our country." "Given...

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Funny story: Yoga Studio Farts Away Carbon Emissions

Yoga Studio Farts Away Carbon Emissions

Santa Monica, CA - One of L.A.'s most popular yoga studios has invented a very unique way to solving it's green house gas output - by harnessing farts! "I was in the middle of leading a Hot Bikram class through downward-dog poise," tells Raven Bra...

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Funny story: Obama Seems Loaded At Press Conference

Obama Seems Loaded At Press Conference

Associated Press- Hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" is the process of drilling and injecting dangerous fluid into the ground at high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release natural gas inside. President Obama has said that natural ga...

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Funny story: Britain's PM Cameron Brokers New China Deal - Delivery charges dropped on orders within 20 mile radius

Britain's PM Cameron Brokers New China Deal - Delivery charges dropped on orders within 20 mile radius

Prime Minister David Cameron has accidentally negotiated a super deal with China on free delivery of takeaway special meals for two within 20 miles. China has agreed to use its influence on British Chinese food takeaway outlets in a major concession...

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Funny story: Green Food Color in Gas Doubles Exxon Market Share

Green Food Color in Gas Doubles Exxon Market Share

Capitalizing on the huge amount of publicity given to "green energy", oil giant Exxon has doubled its market share by using food dye to physically color its gasoline green. The move has been accompanied by a fanfare of publicity around Exxon's "Cl...

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Funny story: Olympic Flame to be extinguished, say green campaigners

Olympic Flame to be extinguished, say green campaigners

The Olympic Flame is to be extinguished to help save the planet following a campaign by eco charity GreenPolice. The announcement follows a year-long campaign by the pressure group to force the International Olympic Committee to face up to its glo...

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Funny story: EPA to Focus on Climate Destruction by Elderly

EPA to Focus on Climate Destruction by Elderly

WASHINGTON, DC - "The science behind the cataclysmic threat of CO2 has been settled. The elderly have contributed more greenhouse gases to the planet than any other group. Ordinary citizens know the dangers when old people and beans, and cabbage, and...

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Funny story: Prince Charles has reduced his carbon footprint, "but not his toe-jam," says wife

Prince Charles has reduced his carbon footprint, "but not his toe-jam," says wife

LONDON (ABSNN) - Charles, Prince of Wales, and heir to the English throne, has kept his promise to reduce his carbon footprint by no longer flying on the Royal jet, by burning all his own, and Lady Camilla's feces instead of peat, and walking up stai...

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Funny story: Global Warming Over - Carbon Paper Solution!

Global Warming Over - Carbon Paper Solution!

In a stunning "Eureka" moment, researchers have realised that the phasing out of carbon paper in the last forty odd years has been the sole cause of global warming. For readers under 40, in a pre-photocopier/printer age the blue/black ink soaked t...

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Funny story: Budget airline's light-as-air plane cuts CO2 output

Budget airline's light-as-air plane cuts CO2 output

This is the passenger plane experts say could help the aviation industry become green.

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Funny story: "Houses of parliament the cause of global warming"

"Houses of parliament the cause of global warming"

Following the violent storms the UK has been experiencing. a team of leading meteorological scientists have released a report that says:...

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Funny story: Breaking The Wind Habit Could Save The Planet!

Breaking The Wind Habit Could Save The Planet!

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has just released astonishing information that could help check the steady rise of greenhouse gases that are causing anthropogenic global warming. CO2 emissions continue to be the most damaging gre...

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Funny story: Second frozen body of a WWII pilot found in Kings Canyon National Park; officials suspect foul play

Second frozen body of a WWII pilot found in Kings Canyon National Park; officials suspect foul play

San Francisco, California - A second, in as many years, frozen body of a WWII airman was recovered today in the California High Sierra. It is believed to be the body of a pilot that accompanied the first one that was found in 2005. This recent discov...

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Funny story: Global Warming - Planet Will Become Too Hot To Walk On

Global Warming - Planet Will Become Too Hot To Walk On

Scientists studying the effects of so-called Global Warming have said that the Earth may become so hot, that it will be impossible to stand on its surface in bare feet.

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