
Funny satire stories about giant squid

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Funny story: Local man practising relaxation technique attacked by giant squid

Local man practising relaxation technique attacked by giant squid

A 54-year-old Whitechapel man has told a local newspaper that he was attacked and badly injured by a giant squid as he was trying to ease his stress about the coronavirus outbreak by immersing himself in a relaxing fantasy about swimming with dolphin...

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Funny story: Giant Killer Squid Attack Predicted Ahead Of Trump UK Trip

Giant Killer Squid Attack Predicted Ahead Of Trump UK Trip

London, UK - (Calamari Stuff): A UK TV weather man has warned the public not to leave their homes because a giant two mile-wide killer squid from the Architeuthis family is prowling the British coastline - potentially casing the joint ahead of June’s...

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Funny story: Japanese Woman Gives Birth to Giant squid

Japanese Woman Gives Birth to Giant squid

Shinsuji Takamashaya gave birth to a twenty pound Giant Squid on the tiny Japanese atoll of Fonguyutu" - said Doctor Myashkenazi, an internist and genetic biologist with Japan's National Institute of Eco and Womb Research. He said, "Thu Human squ...

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Funny story: Giant pregnant squid menaces Sochi 2014 anti-terror command HQ

Giant pregnant squid menaces Sochi 2014 anti-terror command HQ

Sochi, Black Sea - The RS Maria Sharapova, the Russian Navy flagship in charge of drone patrols around the Sochi Winter Games, has been involved in a series of underwater attacks by a massive pregnant squid during yesterday's slopestyle finals. Th...

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Funny story: Collosal Squid hampers Deepwater Horizon rescue

Collosal Squid hampers Deepwater Horizon rescue

Gulff Mexico - (Fishy Tales): The 66ft invertebrate, Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni, was seen menacing BP's ruptured Deepwater Horizon wellhead as a new containment cap was being lowered by underwater robots. The abyssal gigantist was spotted near the...

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Funny story: Giant Squid Reported in Lake Okeechobee

Giant Squid Reported in Lake Okeechobee

Rita Island, Florida (IPP) - Authorities near Lake Okeechobee, Florida have been receiving numerous reports that a giant squid has been seen lurking near Rita Island at the south end of Lake Okeechobee. Catfish fisherman are hunting for the giant...

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Funny story: Microwave Planned for Giant, Frozen Squid. If Unsuccessful - Colossal Calamari - Deep Sea, Deep Fried

Microwave Planned for Giant, Frozen Squid. If Unsuccessful - Colossal Calamari - Deep Sea, Deep Fried

A Colossal Squid, frozen after being caught by New Zealand fisherman, is to be thawed out using a giant microwave. This was the first time we as a species have come into contact with a living colossal squid, our response was typically humane.

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Funny story: Giant Squid Found, Says Mankind Are "The Worst Seekers Ever"

Giant Squid Found, Says Mankind Are "The Worst Seekers Ever"

Most Giant Squid remains have been found in the stomachs of Sperm Whales. This has led some of the stupider Marine Biologists to theorize that the belly of the Sperm Whale is in fact the natural habitat of the Giant Squid. Finally, today, we have p...

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Funny story: Live Giant Squid Filmed: Then Consumed Immediately

Live Giant Squid Filmed: Then Consumed Immediately

A magnificent giant squid was captured by Japanese scientists who were disappointed to learn that the mythical creature Godzilla had once again eluded capture. The giant squid was the first of it's species to be caught on video tape.

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