
Funny satire stories about fuck

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Funny story: “Fuck”, A GOAT?

“Fuck”, A GOAT?

As a word, is “Fuck” a GOAT, or Greatest Of All Time? Is it the greatest word in the English language? To non-native speakers of the language, the following sentence is technically correct, just weird and confusing: “The fucking fucker fucked the…

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Funny story: Did Queen Elizabeth II Ever Say The F Word?

Did Queen Elizabeth II Ever Say The F Word?

Now that her majesty the Queen is gone, there are two curious questions to ask that have never been asked before and of such a delicate matter have never been raised publicly. Brace yourself! First, did Queen Elizabeth ever say the F word? The…

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Funny story: Schedule F for Fuck It Up!

Schedule F for Fuck It Up!

Donny “The Bull” Trump wrote a Schedule F before he was kicked to the curb. With such a plan, he can fire any federal employee he wants. But wait – there’s more! Anyone who wants to change the law to suit himself – and put his faithful slime in va…

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Funny story: Iowa Evangelicals Demand That The Word 'Fuck' Be Banned

Iowa Evangelicals Demand That The Word 'Fuck' Be Banned

DES MOINES, Iowa - (Satire News) – Thousands of Iowa evangelicals have made it known that they are sick and tired of so many of its citizens using the word “fuck” or its derivatives such as “fuck it”, or “that’s fucked up”, or “Trump’s a ‘fucking’ as…

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Funny story: St Albans sinkhole: 3D street artist gets it all wrong

St Albans sinkhole: 3D street artist gets it all wrong

A well-known pavement artist who has created many of the most famous 3D street paintings got it all wrong today when he attempted to trick homeowners in St Albans that their street had collapsed into a gigantic hole. The publicity stunt backfired...

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Funny story: "Sort It The Fuck Out!" Says Fuck!

"Sort It The Fuck Out!" Says Fuck!

The word Fuck is officially sick of being thanked at inappropriate times amid claims that this has led the popular curse word to also suffer from an identity crisis. The profanity furiously stated in an interview earlier that the general public sh...

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Funny story: Pope Drops C-Bomb, When Questioned by Female Reporter about F-Bomb

Pope Drops C-Bomb, When Questioned by Female Reporter about F-Bomb

VATICAN CITY - The Pope accidentally dropped the F-Bomb during a speech yesterday during his Sunday blessing. While giving his weekly blessing from the Vatican, Pope Francis mentioned the word 'f***' in Italian before correcting himself. Within...

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Funny story: In praise of the word Fuck.

In praise of the word Fuck.

Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English language today is the word, "Fuck". It is one magical word: Just by its sound, you can describe, pain, pleasure, hate and love. Fuck, like most words in the English language, takes its name from the German word, "Friken" which means to strike. In language, Fuck falls into many grammatical catagories. It can be used as a verb, both intr...

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Funny story: Writers Protest Over Not Being Able to Put Phuck in the Newspaper

Writers Protest Over Not Being Able to Put Phuck in the Newspaper

"Those candy-assed, lily-livered editorial censorship twits are at it again!" complained the largest group ever assembled of paid newspaper writers that refuse to write for the tabloids. The entire crowd of three, who attended the protest planning...

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Funny story: Changing times: Swearing, Censorship, Ofcom and Keats

Changing times: Swearing, Censorship, Ofcom and Keats

This week, Ofcom will release new legislation for swearing on TV. Frank Miller investigates the past, present and future of what is termed 'Classical English'. Times change We're aware of the changing times where swear words from yesterday may not be deemed offensive by todays standards. A History lesson Did you know that English bylaws of the 1800's stated that public flogging was a reg...

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Funny story: Fucking Supreme Court to Fuckenly Examine What the Fuck is Up with the Use of the Word FUCK!

Fucking Supreme Court to Fuckenly Examine What the Fuck is Up with the Use of the Word FUCK!

Lexicographers have been tracking the term for centuries. Who could question their curiosity? Imagine a tool that could perform eight tasks! And so grammerians can't keep their fucking research off of the word FUCK! It's a verb meaning at least to pierce and usually in a sexual way, though there are exceptions as in: "Bush fucked America royally!" It can be a noun as in : "What the fuck did...

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Funny story: American Males' Sexual Needs/Complaints Now Finally Understood

American Males' Sexual Needs/Complaints Now Finally Understood

"MEN'S GRIPES," the monthly proclamation of what really turns on or pisses off the American male, finally has the results of its commissioned study, "Just, What The Fuck Does The Bitch Want?" This Summary presents Part 1 of a 3-part series.

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Funny story: Academics Define Parameters of "F*ck"

Academics Define Parameters of "F*ck"

TEMPE, AZ -- Scientists and language professors at Arizona State University have joined forces to take the ambiguity out of the use of the word "fuck".

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Funny story: My Messy online Breakdown!

My Messy online Breakdown!

Radio show host Dr. Joy Browne says you can fight, but be polite about it. So the last time I had to assert myself, I told the person nicely to "Please fuck off!". I don't know what could've gotten into me. Perhaps it was the recent anniversary of Babe Ruth's passing. He lived an inspiring life. His full name was Barbara Ruth, though his closest friends called him &quo...

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