Speaking in the House of Commons, Minister for Special Deals, Phil Offthebakova-Laurie, hailed the signing of a recent trade agreement with Japan as a triumph for exotic fish keepers. “We’ve netted a good one,” he quipped, to cheers from government b…
A Hull man has been struck down with a new strain of coronavirus after working in Thailand. Tatty Mullett, 56 was stood nearby an 81-year-old carrier of the deadly SARS-like infection. Officials have confirmed the man caught the virus after his...
Pope Francis, it turns out, is slightly dyslexic. During a recent trip to an Australian Haberdashers, he was offered a new set of robes to be run up. "He was very nice," said Dave Grave, owner of Grave Cloth in Perth. "Until I showed him a list of...
"She kept messing up the order!" stated local bar keep Jim Bean, "she'd suck it, slam it, then lick it. Then she'd try again. Slam it, suck it, lick it. Never in the right order!" When asked about the debacle, the cute patron replied "Does it rea...
Dyslexic MPs were today accused of exploiting their disability to further their own political ambitions. In a strongly worded letter to the Grauniad, the leader of the dyslexic parliamentarian union has asked for an overall increase in weekly cel...
Canada - RCMP announced at a press conference today that Lady Godiva was found incoherent and ill-dressed (her usual condition) in a snow bank. Doctors confirmed that she had been "avidly goaded", which is very strange, since this is an anagram of h...
Builders in Stratford upon Avon excavating the site near Shakespeare's home have uncovered evidence that noted playright William was a dyslexic. Under piles of rubble the found documents and discovered they were original scripts for plays with Editor...
Some of the most famous celebrities of today are dyslexic personalities. The owner of Virgin airlines Richard Branson, John Lennon, actors like Tom Cruise, Robin Williams and Whoopi Goldberg, Photographer David Bailey. Even people from past times...
Artie Finn, a man known for many years to the local community as a "stoner and reject from society," dropped out of school many years ago due to their lack of ability to work with dyslexic students. This reading disability, along with his lifestyle,...
Police responded to a complaint by store employees about a customer throwing a temper tantrum in their business and making a scene. Two cars with four uniformed offices responded to the complaint at the Eros Adult Supplies location on Montana Avenue...
Telephone Dyslexia Syndrome (DST) is blamed for the poor spelling found on most text messages sent by teenagers to their friends. Leading SDT expert Ms. Cnut, says in her report that teenagers know full well how to spell words like, great, by th...
A gay dyslexic man was getting increasingly concerned over his lifestyle and wanted to find out more about gay life. When using Google he had problems looking for "gay" so he decided to search under "poofs". Unfortunately, instead of typing "poofs...
Dyslexics were on alert worldwide after discovering that the swine flu virus had mutated through spelling to a deadly variant muscular disease, sinew flu. In a statement, the Dyslexic World Health Organisation (HOW) said: "Now that this disease ca...
Manchester - Britain's Most Talented DJ, DJ Talent has dyslexia claims his mother, Mrs Talent, in an exclusive interview with me. DJ Talent appeared on Britain's Got Talent on Saturday night and won over the audience and judges with his rendition...
Harper Woods, MI (AP) - In more unusual news today, a teenage dyslexic boy's parents were notified by Harper Woods City school officials that at 8:30 this morning, right after homeroom class, their son was caught masturbating in reverse while viewing...
A young french artist Henri Baptiste aged 26 has been found guilty of faking major works of art by the Prefecture de Justice in Nantes France and sentenced to 3 years imprisonment. Artworks originally by famous French artists such as Monet, Pissar...
Warning: American readers may require the services of a translator! Antelope (v): to run off with your mother's sister. Assassination (n): an arrangement to meet a donkey. Baptist (n): a junior hamburger chef. Basket (n): a short nap in the sun. Circumstantial (n): circumcision on a really big baby. Collonade (n): fizzy enema. Defence (n): something to sit on for people who ca...
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