According to a statement put out Thursday by the Oregon Department of Transportation, the iconic "Ocean Beaches" sign marking the fork of I-405 and US Highway 26 will be replaced in June 2023 with a sign reading "Ocean Benches." The change will re…
Harold Gillis told everyone gathered around him that he was sorry that he had cut down the wrong tree and crushed the old lady and several pigeons she was feeding. "Look, it could happen to any of us. We think the tree is going to fall a certain w...
The government has announced plans to allow people who have been recently made homeless to buy the park bench upon which they choose to reside, in a proposal echoing then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's right to buy scheme of the 1980's. The mo...
A report that park officials in China have found a way to keep people from sitting on their park benches for hours while others stay on their feet has been solved by placing meters by the bench. If a coin isn't placed in after 20-30 minutes, small sp...
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