UPI: Hospital officials have confirmed that Dr. Ben Carson operated on Donald J. Trump last Thursday in the neurosurgical unit of the world's most elite hospital in Dubai, explaining the Republican frontrunner's uncharacteristic absence from the campaign trail over the past two weeks. Officials declined to offer details, but a leaked interview given by Dr. Carson to the Drudge Report-and intended...
New York - Prominent East Side dry cleaning magnate George Jefferson and his wife Weezy have offered support to Dr. Ben Carson's troubled presidential campaign. Speaking from their Deluxe Apartment In The Sky today, the Jeffersons urged Dr. Carson t...
WASHINGTON, DC - Dr. Ben Carson says he was prone to masturbating during his youth until he had a religious experience in the bathroom of his Detroit home. But, his former classmates don't remember him "polishing the knob". Your fearless report...
SEATTLE (The Kal-El Report)- Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson told Fox News' Greta Van Susteren in her "Off the Record" show this week, "If our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ had an assault rifle or even a sidearm like a Glock, he would be...
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