London - There has been a venomous backlash about Prince Charles' letters to various tarantulas, black widows, funnel webs and birdeating spiders published in Britain today. Posts on the ArachnophobesAnonymous.con website allege the Pretender has...
In an effort to attract younger readers to The Spoof, one writer has come up with the idea of writing especially for the kiddies. The following is her first attempt and, hopefully, not her last. Eensy Weensy Spider Gets Stuck in the Water Spout A near tradegy struck the Spider family this afternoon when Eensy Weensy Spider did not return home at the designated time. His mom of "Won't...
Webb City, Missouri - In a predatory takeover bid, spiders have bundled up 83 per cent of the world's web design market. Tarantula Inc, a global conglomerate of spiders world-wide, sealed the deal with their recent hostile acquisition of a competitor...
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