
Funny satire stories about anger

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Funny story: Not Getting Mad Makes Me Mad!

Not Getting Mad Makes Me Mad!

I haven't been mad in four days and it is really making me angry! I can usually rile up some rage before I leave the house, but it just isn't happening. The electric bill seems reasonable, the parking ticket was my fault, and I knew I should not…

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Funny story: Traffic engineers slowing traffic flow with perpetual red lights

Traffic engineers slowing traffic flow with perpetual red lights

Frustrated motorists are asking why but no answers are yet forthcoming. Over the past week as we emerge from the COVID shutdown, the eastern half of the United States is at a traffic standstill. For reasons still unknown, all traffic lights in mos…

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Funny story: And Another Thing - I’m Angry

And Another Thing - I’m Angry

A man, who is usually in a permanent state of pre-heart attack incandescent rage, suddenly found he was conflicted as he felt calm and relaxed, which confused and annoyed him, but only slightly. “I’m usually bitter and twisted with a huge chip on…

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Funny story: Senior Technical Writer And Corporate Manager At Healthcare Company Makes Official Apology For Self-Destructive Weekend Behavior

Senior Technical Writer And Corporate Manager At Healthcare Company Makes Official Apology For Self-Destructive Weekend Behavior

Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Fully expecting a rational and highly-collaborative online discussion on how to select a proper medium through which to facilitate and transfer comprehension of extraordinarily complex updates in healthcare technology to hospit...

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Funny story: 47-Year-Old "Brick Shit House" Capable Of Flipping Over Pool Tables And Throwing Random People Directly Through Plate Glass Windows Busted Up Over Online Relationship That Didn't Work

47-Year-Old "Brick Shit House" Capable Of Flipping Over Pool Tables And Throwing Random People Directly Through Plate Glass Windows Busted Up Over Online Relationship That Didn't Work

Wisconsin. Unwilling to confess that he had highly-sensitive 'attachment issues' deeply rooted in the past involving separation from his beloved grandmother during the 'much-needed' formative stages of his development, 47-year-old Craig Gerald, of E…

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Funny story: Nashville Man Blows a Gasket

Nashville Man Blows a Gasket

28-year-old Justin Drake of Nashville, Tennessee, recently blew a gasket when his girlfriend, Cara Shiley, yet again expected him to foot the bill – this time for her fancy coffee drink. “I lost my shit," acknowledged Justin, “It wasn't pretty.”...

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Funny story: New populist Angry Shouting Party wins first seat

New populist Angry Shouting Party wins first seat

A political party aimed at catching irate votes has shocked Westminster this week by winning its first seat in the Clacton by-election. The Angry Shouting Party was founded by Alan Cross, a door-to-door door salesman who was inspired to start the mov...

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Funny story: American Airlines Moves to Inconvenience Based Frequent Flier Program

American Airlines Moves to Inconvenience Based Frequent Flier Program

American Airlines, in an effort to keep up with competitor's complete disregard for customer service, has decided to overhaul their frequent flyer program. The airline will now award miles based on money spent and inconveniences endured in effort to...

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Funny story: Twitter Erupts In Fury Over Something Or Other

Twitter Erupts In Fury Over Something Or Other

Twitter users were in uproar over something last night. Someone said something about someone, or something, and Twitter was immediately outraged. Users of the social media giant vented their fury about the incident, some using several consecut...

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Funny story: Man Sends E-Mails Filled With Anthrax

Man Sends E-Mails Filled With Anthrax

Tired of all this "Pencil pushing bullshit," Staples accountant William Black, snapped and sent hundreds of e-mails filled with anthrax to his friends, family and co-workers. His vile act sparked mild irritation among the hearts of his annoyances.

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Funny story: Angry Liberals Vow to Open New Chain of Stores Called 'Snobby Lobby'

Angry Liberals Vow to Open New Chain of Stores Called 'Snobby Lobby'

Boston - Liberals are seething over the Supreme Court decision which allows Hobby Lobby to not have to offer certain birth control products which they believe induce abortions and which violate their religious beliefs. Hateful people took to t...

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Funny story: Man Slips and Falls in Mud; Soils Pants

Man Slips and Falls in Mud; Soils Pants

Ernest Tierney of Levenworth, North Dakota had been tormented by his friends, family members and even strangers since the above headline appeared in the local newspaper. After suffering humiliation from friends, neighbors, strangers and even fami...

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Funny story: President Obama Vows to Punish Those Responsible in VA Scandal, Unless They Happen to be Federal Workers

President Obama Vows to Punish Those Responsible in VA Scandal, Unless They Happen to be Federal Workers

Washington, D.C. - President Obama sternly admitted that no one in the country is more outraged than he over the news coming out of the VA scandal where numerous veterans have lost their lives waiting for medical care. Nobody bought it, of course...

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Funny story: NYC to Name Award "New Yorker You Least Want to Run Into" After Alec Baldwin

NYC to Name Award "New Yorker You Least Want to Run Into" After Alec Baldwin

New York City - The New York City Visitor's Bureau has decided to begin handing out an annual award designed to reward a recipient, while at the same time alerting the public to a person who, should they see him or her in public, should be avoide...

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Funny story: New DSM-IV Mental Disorder Category For Tea Party

New DSM-IV Mental Disorder Category For Tea Party

DSM-IV Codes are the classification found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision, also known as DSM-IV-TR, a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) that includes all currently...

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Funny story: Mistrial Declared on Murder Charge in Loud-Music Trial

Mistrial Declared on Murder Charge in Loud-Music Trial

TAMPA BAY, FL. - A Caucasian man was found guilty of three counts of attempted murder for the fatal shooting of an African-American teenager over loud music, but a mistrial was declared after the all-black jury broke out their boom-boxes and started...

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Funny story: Local Man Outraged

Local Man Outraged

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma- Local cars sales representative John Smith is outraged about the recent 20/20 new story about a junior high student sleeping with his 28-year-old teacher. "I just don't understand this world that we live in," Smith stated...

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