It must really suck to be Hans Suck and have had to fight for Hitler in World War Two and get killed on October 28th of 1944 in Narvick Norway when the Allies finally made a successful attempt to recapture the town and then have to be buried in the G…
A lot of people go to the cinema to see their favourite actors on the big screen. In the case of Adolf Hitler, he actually thought he was an actor in a major film production called "The Great Rise of a German Bonaparte." His doctor recalls not hav…
LONDON - (UK Satire) - Officials at Buckingham Palace are shaking their heads wondering how in the bloomin' world a Luftwaffe Bomber bomb ended up in the basement of Buckingham Palace. The officials called in a special British munitions bomb dispo…
LONDON - (Satire News) -The United Kingdom Cigar Guild has revealed that the biggest British cigar smoker of all time was World War II Prime Minister Sir Winston Leonard Spencer McCoy Churchill. At the height of the war Sir Winston was smoking 19,…
Prince William has undergone a short re-education class in World History. To his delight, he has discovered that World Wars One and Two happened in Europe, not in either Africa or Asia, and that some of his family members were directly involved i…
BAMBOOVILLE, Cambodia – (Satire News) – Cambodia’s official news agency, Jungle Times News reports that an elderly married couple were out foraging for food, when they came upon a huge airplane. Upon closer investigation the happy couple, who have…
A 54-year-old man from Whitechapel in East London has told a local newspaper that a recent search on a genealogy site revealed that his late father was a brutal torturer in the feared Nazi secret police, the Gestapo. Speaking from his home in Brus…
PARIS – (US Satire) – The government of France is skating on thin ice, after they announce to the world via TMZ that they have no plans to pay back even one thin dime, of the $17 trillion they owe the USA going all the way back to World War II. Wh…
WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Satire News) – Vice-President Kamala Harris has informed President Biden that France has not made a payment on the money the US lent her since March 13, 1949. According to Mimosa Sabrosa, with the Alpha Beta News Agency, the vi…
ALFALFA BEACH, Kansas – (Satire News) – The state of Kansas, has decided that in the interest of public safety, it’s lone beach will be shut down during Spring Break. Most Americans had no idea that landlocked Kansas even had a beach. Noted Kan…
The UK, apart from Scotland, has been busy strengthening their eastern frontier as B-Day approaches and it leaves the EU. All WW2 concrete bunkers from Cornwall to Scotland's eastern border have been refurbished, disinfected of their urine stench,…
It is 75 years to the day when war-weary Brits celebrated the defeat of the Hun by getting shit-faced drunk in a wild orgy of sex and alcohol. In 1945, the streets of London, Manchester and even Hull were piled-high with the hungover and the shagged-...
BROKEN BOW, Nebraska - Flossie Wunderwurst, the director of The Napping Nightingale Senior Citizens Home, which houses 603 older men and women, states that, everyone in the entire home is doing well and are in a happy mood, considering. The long-...
In a joint investigation with convicted holocaust denier and Nazi "historian" David Irving, The Spoof has managed to discover the whereabouts of the hitherto unpublished diary of Adolf Hitler's floozy, simple country girl Eva Braun. The full dia...
The annual D-day commemoration, the event that commemorates the day the massed Allied Forces invaded mainland Europe and made an absolute fortune for weapons manufacturers, is to be held on the wrong day this year, on the 5th of June. The Normandy...
Theresa May has frozen talks with the EU over Brexit as EU leaders have again put obstacles in the way of her finest hour. European fat cats have once again stopped Theresa from “cherry picking” which EU principles she wants the UK to be involved wit...
Hello, I’m Dick Gravy and welcome to It’s a Funny Old War, where two veterans compete to see who knows the most about the War. You know, the Second World War? Let’s meet our contestants. Contestant number 1 is Geoff from Harrow. Geoff: Hello. Dick: It must have been very harrowing for you during the war. Geoff: Yes, it was. Dick: Hilarious! Now your question is: what was Prime Minis...
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