BILLINGSGATE POST: As news broke that a Manhattan grand jury has indicted Donald Trump for the bogus charge of allegedly paying a known fellatio practitioner to shut her mouth, Donald Trump announced that he had retained Felix Weatherlimpp, aka Flyf…
Donald has finally taken the Fifth! Yay! Everybody knows when a braggart talks, he eventually eats his owns words. Now, why not sit at Donald’s table and have a nice big bowl of 5th Cereal – a Trump brand product. May contain lies, brags, grop…
BILLINGSGATE POST: In a move that was called “brilliant” by legal scholars, Donald Trump hired the best law mind in the Nation to defend him from the dual onslaught of his constitutional rights by the criminal combine of the FBI and the Department o…
BILLINGSGATE POST: In the pantheon of Dick Tracy villains, there was no greater public enemy than Flyface. His real name was Felixweather Limpp, aka Hank Tight. A lawyer by profession, Flyface was a portly, 42-year old man with a constant grimaced ex…
BILLINGSGATE POST: During the Harris - Pence debate Wednesday night, everyone saw a fly land on Vice-President Mike Pence’s head. As much as that fly loved Pence, he is not the original Fly Face. There is but one Fly Face. The original Fly Face w…
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