The Family Research Council is know to be the most important anti-gay advocacy group in the country. Lesser know is its attitude toward women. It's head, Tony Perkins and many others belong to denominations which bar women from serving as pastors b...
LDS Church Announces Acquisition of Westboro Baptist Church-(Marketwired - Nov 15, 2015) - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ("LDS church") is very pleased to announce the acquisition of the Westboro Baptist Church ("WBC" or "Westboro")...
Topeka, KS - Phyllis Schlafly, best known for her unwavering extremely conservative political and social views and her opposition to modern feminism, inadvertently 'outed' her homosexual grandson by describing him as gay. During a speech before...
Fred Phelps may have passed on, but his death has sparked celebrations in many cities around the world. On Thursday night police calls for service reached an all time high, with many district communication centres receiving reports of loud parties...
The nation is mourning the loss of another great artist today, religious satirist and activist Fred Phelps Sr. Phelps, known for his sarcastic and over-the-top "sermons" had been battling several ailments, but the cause of death has not been released...
TOPEKA, KANSAS (Acme Quicknews) -- Who can say that the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) can't taste their own dose of picket? Religious tolerance advocates around America, composing of members of different religions, counter the ways of the WBC by p...
Fred Phelps, leader of Westboro Baptist Church, died suddenly on Tuesday at a military funeral while screaming and waving a sign that read God Hates Fags. Only minutes later, the renowned leader found himself in heaven, before God's throne, blinking...
TOPEKA Kanasas (ABSNN) - Pastor Fred Phelps, head of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church, said his congregation will spare no expense to send a delegation to the state funeral of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. "This time th...
SULU, PHILIPPINES (Acme World News) -- The infamous Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) plans to fly to the Philippines to picket the standoff in Sabah, Malaysia. Margie Phelps, daughter of WBC pastor Fred Phelps, posted on her Twitter that they are sc...
Mein Kraft, an anti-cult-slash-construction workers' organization, plans to ram the infamous Westboro Baptist Church, labeled to many as a cult, with a squad of bulldozers and other heavy construction equipment. Tony "Harbinger" Toponi, spokespers...
Topeka, Kansas -- Westboro Baptist Church Leader Fred Phelps was arrested in a Motel 6 hotel room in a sting operation that lasted over 13-months. In September 2011, members of the anti-terrorist unit within the FBI received information that Fred...
Margie Phelps, daughter of the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church and spokesperson of the group, took to Twitter today to announce that the Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket a fundraiser in honor of Hillary Clinton. "Westboro will picket...
It was an inevitablility. In what has been described as the new 'Holy War', the unesteemed Reverend Fred (Fab Freddy) Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church has declared, through seemingly unscrupulous, yet devoutly Christian attorneys, a lawsuit agai...
Kansas City, MO -- Just days after protesting outside of a Radiohead show in Kansas City, the Westboro Baptist Church has agreed to appear on the next Radiohead album. About ten Westboro protestors gathered outside the Spirit Center on Sunday nig...
Westboro Baptist Church, known best for its recent Supreme Court win allowing its members to annoy the hell out of anyone grieving at a funeral for someone whose lifestyle they don't agree with, has lost ¾ of its flock in recent weeks. Once a thrivin...
Today, Jesus arrived at Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas City. The weather outside is hot and humid. The look on Jesus' face is one of disappointment. He is in town to confront Fred Phelps for misrepresenting God. "It is rare for me to make special trips like this, but I felt it was time for me to stop this bigot from causing more harm in my name," Jesus said. "I can't believe how this man se...
Fred Phelps, Pastor of Kansas' Wesboro Baptist Church in Washington, DC for the Supreme Court trial of the case to decide his right of free speech to picket a fallen soldier's funeral, was selling homemade CD's featuring all the songs his congregants...
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