
Funny satire stories about Wagner Carillho

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Funny story: X-Factor's Wagner To Marry I'm A Celeb's Gillian McKeith

X-Factor's Wagner To Marry I'm A Celeb's Gillian McKeith

Forget about Prince William and Kate Middleton - next year's wedding of all weddings, if reports are to be believed, will be between Wagner Carillho off the X-Factor and Gillian McKeith off I'm A Celebrity - Get Me Out Of Here! Skoob Entertainment...

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Funny story: The Cheryl Cole - Wagner Carrilho X-Factor Feud Is Getting Ugly!

The Cheryl Cole - Wagner Carrilho X-Factor Feud Is Getting Ugly!

LONDON - Simon Cowell has tried to put a lid on the situation but the infamous "Sultan of Sarcasm" seems to have lost control of this year's edition of X-Factor. Cheryl Cole, one of the shows four judges and girlfriend of Derek "The Dancing Dude"...

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Funny story: X Factor's Wagner to be deported

X Factor's Wagner to be deported

Wagner will be deported and that is the end of the matter, the UK Home Secretary is reported to have decided. Under the UK governments latest version of a hastily arranged immigration policy, excuses have been cobbled together and the Brazilian ca...

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Funny story: Obscure Website Launches Wagner Carillho Voting Frenzy

Obscure Website Launches Wagner Carillho Voting Frenzy

Writers on an obscure satirical website have been slammed for promoting Wagner Carillho to the public, and imploring X-Factor viewers to vote for Wagner - with the sole purpose of totally pissing off Simon Cowell. Wagner, who is no oil painting, a...

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Funny story: X-Factor so what's wrong with coming from a council house, Cheryl?

X-Factor so what's wrong with coming from a council house, Cheryl?

The x-facfor must be approaching the crunch point where the favourites begin to be voted off. Cheryl is becoming worried that she is going to lose one of her girls. Why else would she attack Wagner, on live TV, in front of untold millions? She's...

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Funny story: Wagner has some VIP fans

Wagner has some VIP fans

It is reported that the Brazilian star of the X - Factor, Wagner, who has never faced a sing off, is being followed very closely by call me Dave, the PM and Ian Dungpan Smith. Works and Pensions Secretary. The VIP viewers don't give a toss about t...

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Funny story: Oh no, it's the f***ing X-Factor again

Oh no, it's the f***ing X-Factor again

Yes, it's the show where the girls sing like guys and the guys sing like girls, and it's time for iThink's bitchy round-up of this evening's action. This week there were notable performances by Matt Cardle, Treyc Cohen and of course W/Vagner. "...

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Funny story: X-Factor Furore As Wagner Walks In On Naked Mary

X-Factor Furore As Wagner Walks In On Naked Mary

Saucy Wagner Carillho has been carpeted once again by X-Factor bosses after walking in on a naked Tesco Mary Byrne, then sitting on her bed and refusing to move until she allowed him to sing 'She Bangs!' by Ricky Martin. Sources say that Tesco Mar...

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Funny story: Exclusive - Wagner Carillho To Drop Out Of X-Factor Due To Arse Problem

Exclusive - Wagner Carillho To Drop Out Of X-Factor Due To Arse Problem

Skoob Entertainment News can exclusively reveal that Wagner Carillho, the kung-fu kicking, pony tailed, Brazilian crooner is to drop out of the X-Factor show due to an arse problem. Despite a spirited rendition of Elvis Presley's 'Viva Rock Vegas'...

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Funny story: X Factor "War" Claims Rubbished By Top Academic

X Factor "War" Claims Rubbished By Top Academic

Antagonism between X Factor contestants has turned the house they live in into a war zone, claim insiders. And the in-fighting has become so bad that neighbours in the posh London suburb of Mill Hill have complained about it. "They've become Ba...

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Funny story: Wagner Carrilho To Survive This Week's X-Factor

Wagner Carrilho To Survive This Week's X-Factor

X-Factor insiders today revealed exclusively to Skoob Entertainment News that Wagner Carillho will survive this week's vote off. And that it won't be fixed. Even though the karate kicking Brazilian pony tailed eccentric can't sing or dance or r...

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Funny story: X Factor's Wagner Campaign Gets Opera Fans On Board

X Factor's Wagner Campaign Gets Opera Fans On Board

Campaigners bidding to make Wagner Carillho this year's X Factor winner reckon they're backing a dead cert - thanks to global opera fans. It is widely believed that online campaigns to promote the eccentric Brazilian contestant are designed to mif...

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