
Funny satire stories about Vets

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Funny story: Unmasked Vet inhales squeaky toy and dies

Unmasked Vet inhales squeaky toy and dies

Hollywood, CA - In an establishment known for catering to the Hollywood elite...death is not supposed to happen. It did but not in the way one expects. "Let's do it Doggy Style" is being sued by a former vet's widow for neglect. "Yeah, "former"…

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Funny story: Veterinarians Are Puzzled As To Why A Cincinnati Chihuahua’s Bark Is Louder Than A Harley Davidson Motorcycle

Veterinarians Are Puzzled As To Why A Cincinnati Chihuahua’s Bark Is Louder Than A Harley Davidson Motorcycle

CINCINNATI, Ohio – (Satire News) – Animal doctors in Cincinnati are extremely amazed at the fact that a little 1.2 pound female Chihuahua's bark can reach a decibel reading of 92, which is the same exact decibel reading of a Harley Davidson motorcycl…

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Funny story: Vets warn people against voting for 'flat-faced' politicians

Vets warn people against voting for 'flat-faced' politicians

Vets are warning would-be voters to think twice before electing politicians with fashionably "flat-faced" features - because of concerns over their welfare. Cavalier King Camerons, Little Johnsons, Farages and Watsons, have become sought-after in...

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Funny story: Texas vet says DNA proves Bigfoot is part human, 'At least his penis is'

Texas vet says DNA proves Bigfoot is part human, 'At least his penis is'

DALLAS, Texas (ABSNN) - Texas, long the foe of evolution, is back in the news today thanks to a report from a Texas veterinarian who told reporters that DNA samples prove that the legendary "Bigfoot is part human-well, at least Bigfoot's penis is hum...

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Funny story: Vet's Practice Challenged by Activists

Vet's Practice Challenged by Activists

A veterinarian in Toronto, Ontario is in trouble with animal rights activists for circumcising male puppies. Peter Skinner, who has run his practice for seven years, says there is high demand for the procedure, which is usually performed on Doberman...

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Funny story: US celebrates Veterinarians' Day

US celebrates Veterinarians' Day

The US president, and citizens from all across the country, have today gathered together, on the 11th day of the 11th month, at the 11th hour, to celebrate a very special group of people. It is the anniversary of the end of the First World War, a war...

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Funny story: Veterinarian Accidentally Neuters Rare Male Kitten

Veterinarian Accidentally Neuters Rare Male Kitten

Atlanta, GA - Cat lovers in Atlanta, Georgia are threatening to have the license of a local veterinarian pulled after finding out that he unwittingly neutered a rare male kitten instead of preserving the animal's unlikely yet slim possibility of bree...

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Funny story: Mariah Carey Barking Over Dog Bills

Mariah Carey Barking Over Dog Bills

Could it be a phobia? No, says a vet clinic who claims the singer owes 30 thousand dollars in back bill after pampering her dog's. I hear that her dog's needed to go to rehab, she said yes, yes, yes! Though Carey doesn't want to pay the bills w...

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Funny story: Woman Arrested At Animal Clinic After Demanding That They Neuter Her Chia Pet

Woman Arrested At Animal Clinic After Demanding That They Neuter Her Chia Pet

KANKAKEE, Illinois - A Mrs. Julia Burpee, 89, of Kankakee walked into the It's Raining Cats & Dogs Animal Clinic with a Chia pet tucked underneath her arm. She told the receptionist that she had seen a TV infomercial about getting your pets s...

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Funny story: Canadian vet arrested for alleged racism

Canadian vet arrested for alleged racism

Edmonton, Alberta. After a particularly busy winter amputating the legs of stray moose, veterinarian Dr John Biggott made a phone call to his colleague. Little did he know the phone call was being taped by the CIA. Dr Biggott is recorded as saying...

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Funny story: Clubbers Warned About New Drug

Clubbers Warned About New Drug

Cluubers have been warned by a group doctors, about the dangers of a new drug that is prevalant on the club scene and is seen as an alternative to Ecstacy.

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