Every cloud, they say, has a silver lining. That nasty COVID cloud that just past was no exception. After observing some of our modified behaviors during the pandemic, experts now say we'd do well to keep certain items that were brought about by the…
Breaking: For the first time in Earth's history, a new type of author has been found, proudly announced through Amazon dot com and Mr. Bezos. That is, a sheep as scribe—yes, from the animal of the species ovis balantes dispersus—has emerged with a…
A federal project designed to reintroduce the threatened population of bureaucrats (Bureacratus bureaucratus) to the private sector has been deemed a failure based on a new report by the Department of the Interior. The program was originally sche...
I’ve been hearing a lot about the hardships facing civil service employees during this regrettable Democrat-led shutdown of our government, and I understand and empathize with your struggles to pay mortgages, bi-weekly Florida golf outings, and three...
Although the United States government’s historic 35-day shutdown will soon be coming to an end, because the financial repercussions of the shutdown have done irreparable damage, the government has announced a going-out-of-business sale. Vice Presi...
A federal employee who took part in a demonstration against the ongoing shutdown of the government, has been fired for making a spelling error and a catastrophic grammatical mistake on a placard he was holding. The man, John Typo, of Albany, NY, w...
Following his cancellation of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s trip abroad, Mr. Trump has decided the White House is too expensive to maintain, and closed it. White House workers are on furlough for the indefinite future, along with the other 8...
Put your head up your ass (Simple Donald says) Shake your fists all about (Simple Donald says) Do it when Donald says (Simple Donald says) And you will never be out (Simple Donald says) I'd like to play a con That is so much fun And it's not...
Associated Press, February 7, 2019. Following his success in getting $5billion for his border wall, President Trump once again is threatening to shut down the federal government, this time over his demand that the U.S. Mint issue quarters, half dollars and silver dollars stamped with his likeness. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have labelled this demand a “ch...
WASHINGTON, D.C.--House Republicans today threatened to shut down the government unless the US Postal Service comes out with a new memorial stamp honoring free-market hero Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand, who was already memorialized in a postage stamp that ca…
Columbus, OH--Archeologists from Ohio State University, in a dig in a parking lot where an Elks Club once stood, announced that they had found the now extinct, but once fairly common, remains of a species they are calling Homo Moderatus Republicanus.
In spite of the spanking the Tea Party received from Barack Obama after its failed government shutdown recently, Ted Cruz and Ted Nugent are unapologetic and are going to tour together to promote the stranglehold the Tea Party, they hope, still has o...
Once again Republicans have been having drug deliriums from smoking too much weed. With regards to the stalemate on the shutting down the government (by the way, the WRONG parts of the government have gotten shut down- why are these guys still in th...
Starbucks Coffee has begun a new marketing campaign billed as a way to call upon Congress to "come together" and stop bickering. From Wednesday to Friday, Starbucks will give away a free tall brewed coffee to any customer in the U.S. who buys anot...
Anonymous NSA sources are now revealing the latest surveillance deep inside an old textbook building where current tea party aficionados are planning strategy. The nature of this surveillance is not clear although deployment of tiny insect drones...
Shocked citizens of "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Broke" woke up today to find that their entire government had absconded rather than face up to the global debt collectors that are expected to come knocking next Thursday. It seems that th...
WASHINGTON DC - With the Federal government shutdown and a debt limit crisis approaching, President Obama may have no choice except to use Executive Order and declare Congress a National Park, imprison all political opposition on charges of trespass...
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