
Funny satire stories about Timothy Geithner

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Funny story: Goldman Sachs to Change Name to Sacks O'Gold

Goldman Sachs to Change Name to Sacks O'Gold

Special to INS - Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, the New York-based bank holding company, announced today that the firm will change its name to Sacks O'Gold (NYSE ticker, SOG). The change is in keeping with the firm's intention...

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Funny story: S&P: Worse than Italy! Obama Celebrates with' Bungle-Bungle' Pool Party!

S&P: Worse than Italy! Obama Celebrates with' Bungle-Bungle' Pool Party!

Shortly after the S&P downgraded the US's bond rating, Obama pushed back by reaffirming his confidence in Treasury Secretary Tim "the taxman" Geithner at yet another White House Bungle-Bungle party featuring semi-nude interns, a former Miss Indon...

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Funny story: Obama administration issues debt disaster tips: How to survive the August default

Obama administration issues debt disaster tips: How to survive the August default

Washington DC -- The government has released a booklet of survival tips aimed at helping US citizens protect themselves during the nation's upcoming debt default. Titled "Deadbeat Nation," the guide emphasizes that any property in America, public...

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Funny story: Elderly Woman Wins Entire U.S. Treasury

Elderly Woman Wins Entire U.S. Treasury

In a sweepstakes mix-up that makes the Toyota recall seem like a stroll in the park, Marge Holdstrom,86,of Foxborough,Tennessee, has won the entire contents of the United States Treasury. Treasury officials were stunned to learn that Mrs. Holdstr...

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Funny story: Bernanke Pleased with Zimbabwe Visit

Bernanke Pleased with Zimbabwe Visit

Harare, Zimbabwe. Ben Bernanke is very pleased with his visit at the central bank in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare. Dr. Bernanke is visiting his Zimbabwean colleague, Reserve Bank Governor Dr. Gideon Gono, and the Zimbabwe President, Dr. Robert Muga...

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Funny story: Geithner Considers Abandoning The Dollar: AIG Bonuses Paid in Bahts?

Geithner Considers Abandoning The Dollar: AIG Bonuses Paid in Bahts?

Washington,DC/ Impaired Political News - Adopting a Siege Mentality, searching for anyway out, Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner acknowledged he is looking for a universal currency to replace The Dollar, long the benchmark of a stable world econ...

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Funny story: Timothy Geithner spotted practicing flea training routine

Timothy Geithner spotted practicing flea training routine

WASHINGTON DC - Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner has been seen by department staffers practicing a flea training routine, using a small three-ring circus on a side-desk in his office. Two Treasury insiders spoke on condition of anonymity...

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Funny story: Geithner forgets to tip waitress

Geithner forgets to tip waitress

Timothy R. Geithner, Obama's beleagured pick for Secretary of the Treasury, forgot to tip a waitress at a Hooters Restaurant on Thursday evening. "I was unclear as to whether I was suppposed to tip or not," Geithner explained. "I didn't know you...

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Funny story: Geithner Stimulus Plan: Don't Pay Your Taxes

Geithner Stimulus Plan: Don't Pay Your Taxes

Incoming Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told Congress about his own stimulus idea on Friday. Geithner said that Americans should follow his lead and not pay their taxes. "It turns out that people spend money themselves more effectively than g...

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