There were a few raised eyebrows but no shrieking at an Essex public house at the weekend, when the ghost of former landlord, Keith Flint, paid an unexpected visit to the pub, and, as he was used to doing, started the fire in the bar. Flint, 49, d...
"I can't understand it, I am sure we heard somewhere that the late Keith Flint suffered from extreme flatulence," said Ryan Skint, vocalist and dancer with Prodigy tribute band Proctology after he and his three-piece band were booed off stage at Madr...
After the sad news of Prodigy front man's death (RIP) it appears he had a secret admirer; Brit PM May! Theresa just loves the Prodigy's Nr 1 cult hit, "Slap my Bitch up!" and every time she returns from Brussels, Berlin or Paris and enters Nr 10 s...
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