
Funny satire stories about The North Pole

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Funny story: President Biden Is Fed Up With Donald Trump's Constant Lying BS and He's Looking Into Having Him Exiled

President Biden Is Fed Up With Donald Trump's Constant Lying BS and He's Looking Into Having Him Exiled

WASHINGTON, D.C. - (Satire News) – A source inside the White House told Boom Boom News that POTUS is sick and tired of the "Trumptard’s" incessant, never-ending lying. President Biden has asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to look into legall…

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Funny story: A Polar Bear From The North Pole Amazingly Swims Ashore in Puerto Rico

A Polar Bear From The North Pole Amazingly Swims Ashore in Puerto Rico

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – (Satire News) – Telemundo has stated that beach-goers recently saw a full-grown polar bear swim ashore at San Juan’s Mucho Rum Beach. Witnesses said that the bear looked extremely tired, and animal experts said it must have…

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Funny story: The Latest Rumor Coming out of The North Pole is That Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer is Gay

The Latest Rumor Coming out of The North Pole is That Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer is Gay

THE NORTH POLE – (Satire News) – Fox News is reporting that they have it from a 'fair and balanced' source that Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is gay. Semi-top notch reporter Greg Gutfeld said that he spoke to one of Santa’s favorite Christmas elv…

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Funny story: Archaeologists Discover The Bones of A Fighting Bull Underneath the North Pole

Archaeologists Discover The Bones of A Fighting Bull Underneath the North Pole

COLD VILLAGE, North Pole – A group of archaeologists from Zimbabwe recently made quite a discovery. The team of scientists traveled to the North Pole to study the migratory, dietary, and sexual habits of the Emperor penguins who are prone to havin...

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Funny story: Teenager threatened to burn Santa Claus' house down and knife his elves because he got him the wrong kind of trainers for Christmas

Teenager threatened to burn Santa Claus' house down and knife his elves because he got him the wrong kind of trainers for Christmas

An 18-year-old British teenager threatened to burn down Santa Claus' home and knife his elves after he gave him the wrong kind of trainers for Christmas. Jake Wilder travelled to the North Pole armed with a kitchen knife, screaming at Santa 'I'll...

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Funny story: 30,000 year old virus revived - amoebas queuing up for flu jabs

30,000 year old virus revived - amoebas queuing up for flu jabs

Amoebas everywhere are suffering from headaches, aching pseudopodia and high temperatures due to the reckless revival of a virus which only attacks them. An amoebic physician, Dr. Daphnia Clostridium said this morning "We are all so pissed. We hav...

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Funny story: Santa Moving Operations To South Pole Due To Warming Arctic Ocean

Santa Moving Operations To South Pole Due To Warming Arctic Ocean

Old Nick has been having a hard time of it. His North Pole sweat shops,, workshops have been becoming wet-shops due to the the melting of the sea ice of the arctic. "It has just become impossible! I have been bitching to the industrial na...

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Funny story: Santa Claus Pissed As North Pole Leaking

Santa Claus Pissed As North Pole Leaking

A really upset Santa Claus and his wife plus 12 elves and 4 reindeer were seen floating in the ocean on an iceberg that just missed a Carnival Cruise Ship! "You want to get aboard?", the Captain yelled. "Nope. It's bad enough without getting th...

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Funny story: Santa Claus & Reindeer All Died Last Year

Santa Claus & Reindeer All Died Last Year

Although it was kept secret for almost a whole year, Santa Claus and all his reindeer plus three, some say as many as six elves died last year in a terrible accident. It was only when several spy agencies began comparing notes that they finally be...

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Funny story: Santa Claus to move workshop to Australian Outback

Santa Claus to move workshop to Australian Outback

SPITSBERGEN, Norway-A source close to St. Nicholas, also known as Santa Claus or Kris Kringle, reports that the patron saint of the Christmas season might be permanently relocating to a warmer, drier location in the next few years. The source...

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Funny story: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to Marry at the North Pole

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to Marry at the North Pole

A cool site for a wedding. In more ways than one, according to the happy couple. And a possible side effect, say Angie and Brad, is that many of the paparazzi (frozen turnips!) may choose to stay home. Ever since a Norwegian explorer married...

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Funny story: North Pole Opens Luxury Casino

North Pole Opens Luxury Casino

Nicknamed the Crystal Igloo, the 50,000 square foot facility with adjoining luxury hotel has opened its doors just in time for the holidays. Planned as an extreme getaway destination for wealthy jetsetters, the casino will also appeal to employees o...

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Funny story: Google Street Map to cover North Pole

Google Street Map to cover North Pole

Kids across the Western World can now log onto to Google and see Father Christmas's house at the North Pole, with Google Street View finally reaching the most northerly point on the planet. "We're quite excited," said head of Google Mapping, Douga...

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Funny story: OWS reaches North Pole

OWS reaches North Pole

Protesters this morning braved freezing conditions as the Occupy Wall Street movement spread to the North Pole. Groups of elves were seen sitting and chanting anti-capitalist songs, while Santa Claus read from a prepared statement. "As the CEO...

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Funny story: Tracy Morgan Explains Why He Has Decided To Move To The North Pole

Tracy Morgan Explains Why He Has Decided To Move To The North Pole

BEAVER PELTS, Wyoming - Tracy Morgan high-tailed it out of Hollywood and headed for one of the most secluded places in America, Beaver Pelts, Wyoming. One of the stars of the TV show 30 Rock made some extremely derogatory anti-gay remarks that are...

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