
Funny satire stories about The Big Bang Theory

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Funny story: The Universe Has Stopped Expanding

The Universe Has Stopped Expanding

The universe, which has been expanding rapidly outward ever since the Big Bang, more than 13.8billion years ago, has stopped doing so, and, indeed, has started to contract. Having been rushing continually outward for such a long time, the universe...

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Funny story: Major Television Networks fight for the Award of Worst Primetime Line-Ups of 2017

Major Television Networks fight for the Award of Worst Primetime Line-Ups of 2017

Christmas has now come and gone. The year is wrapping up and many people across the nation are getting ready for their end of the year celebrations. 2017 was a year that many wish they could forget, and well, what better way to forget about what is r...

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Funny story: Big Bang Theory Will Kill Off Entire Cast and Start Over in Season Ten

Big Bang Theory Will Kill Off Entire Cast and Start Over in Season Ten

Hollywood, CA In a shocking TV show announcement, CBS's #1 comedy, The Big Bang Theory will have its whole cast die at the end of Season 9, and Season 10 will introduce a whole new group of nerds. "The last show will have Sheldon assuring the whol...

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Funny story: Big Bang Theory Cancelled

Big Bang Theory Cancelled

The Big Bang Theory is being permanently pulled as the creators of the show, Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, have been arrested on suspicion of fraud, with the pair believed to have created numerous ghostwriters with them both pocketing their pay. Sus...

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Funny story: Fox Series "Cosmos" Host Tyson Under Attack

Fox Series "Cosmos" Host Tyson Under Attack

The new Fox Cosmos series, hosted by the now-familiar-to-TV-watchers Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, has upset anti-science conservative Christians. Besides being enraged by Tyson's statement that "the theory of evolution, like the theory of gravity, is a...

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Funny story: Big Bang Theory Fires Old Cast After Argument With Chuck Lorre

Big Bang Theory Fires Old Cast After Argument With Chuck Lorre

Hollywood, CA. Chuck Lorre, creator of Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory apparently likes to shake things up with the TV shows he produces. His popular show Two and a Half Men has lost one and a half men and replaced them with new actors...

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Funny story: 'Big Bang' ages 80 million years in single day

'Big Bang' ages 80 million years in single day

Fans of utter bollocks are today enraptured by the news that people posing as scientists are claiming that the universe is 80 million years older today than stated yesterday. According to George Esfthathiou, "There's less stuff that we don't under...

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Funny story: Kaley Cuoco to quit Big Bang for physics

Kaley Cuoco to quit Big Bang for physics

It was the news that went off like an thermonuclear device around Hollywood. Kaley Cuoco, actress who plays Penny on the hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory has announced her intention to quit the show at the end of it's current season. It is the re...

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Funny story: Jim Parsons True Identity Revealed: Reince Priebus

Jim Parsons True Identity Revealed: Reince Priebus

Photographs don't lie, they reveal hidden truths. Today researches have applied the Janet and Michael test to the actor Jim Parsons and RNC chairperson Reince Priebus and came up with startling conclusions; either the Big Bang Theory is a failing sit...

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