
Funny satire stories about Sport

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Funny story: The 'High AF Games' could soon become a reality!

The 'High AF Games' could soon become a reality!

Amersterdamit - A group of highly-organized stoners known as The High As Fuck Games are reportedly close to obtaining approval to host what would be the very first, bi-annual event, similar to the Olympics... But where the competitors will all be…

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Funny story: A List of Tweets From The World of Sports

A List of Tweets From The World of Sports

NEW YORK CITY - (Spoof News) - Sports Bet Gazette writer Zorro La Bamba has compiled a list of sports related tweets. A LIST OF TWEETS FROM THE WORLD OF SPORTS 1. I already miss playing football so damn much, that I may return and play for fr…

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Funny story: The San Jose Earthquake Defeats The Red Devils of Manchester United

The San Jose Earthquake Defeats The Red Devils of Manchester United

SAN JOSE, California - (Sports Satire) - Sportsapalooza reports that the San Jose Earthquake defeated the Manchester United Red Devils by a score of 3-0. San Jose goalie J.T. Marcinkowski had 13 fantastic blocks during the entire game. He noted th…

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Funny story: So Many New Sports Teams - The Delaware Blue Hens - Santa Cruz Banana Slugs, Etc.

So Many New Sports Teams - The Delaware Blue Hens - Santa Cruz Banana Slugs, Etc.

America has had an explosion of College and Minor League sports teams - as reported recently in the Media. One memorable one is the Scottsdale Fighting Artichokes - (known as one of the most combative Vegetables around). Another is the Wichi…

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Funny story: Empire Games come to an end

Empire Games come to an end

After two week of sporting success and imperial glory, the Empire Games in Birmingham have finally come to an end. The closing ceremony featured Noddy Holder demonstrating the invention of heavy metal by lowering his sideburns into a concrete furnace…

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Funny story: The Wonderfully Wonderous World of Sports Magazine Makes It's Debut

The Wonderfully Wonderous World of Sports Magazine Makes It's Debut

CHICAGO - (Magazine Satire) - The Chicago Daily Wind newspaper reports that the much anticipated sports publication, The Wonderfuly Wondrous World of Sports, has made its debut. The new magazine is co-edited by two great, former Dallas Cowboy quar…

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Funny story: American football roundup for a British audience

American football roundup for a British audience

Hi, I'm Buck Shanks, and I'm here to give y'all over there in England a run-down on the good ol' NFL. That's our kinda football. New York Rams took a pounding from the Chicago Bears 300-0. It was a memorable game as wide receiver Jefferson "Squelc…

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Funny story: Chicharito The Former Manchester United Super Star Wants To Buy The Man U Red Devils

Chicharito The Former Manchester United Super Star Wants To Buy The Man U Red Devils

LOS ANGELES - (Sports Satire) - The Sportsapalooza News Agency has just announced that Javier Hernandez Balcazar, better known as Chicharito, is hinting that he may be purchasing the world's number one football team, (soccer in the US) from team owne…

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Funny story: Costco Is Selling Official Sports Cardboard Fan Cutouts

Costco Is Selling Official Sports Cardboard Fan Cutouts

CHICAGO – (Satire News) – The Ta Da News Agency is reporting that the huge national corporation, Costco, which operates a chain of membership-only outlets will be giving it’s millions of customers an opportunity to purchase official sports cardboard…

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Funny story: A 27-Year-Old Woman Bowler in Baltimore Bowls a Perfect 300 Game Using a Baseball

A 27-Year-Old Woman Bowler in Baltimore Bowls a Perfect 300 Game Using a Baseball

BALTIMORE – (Sports Satire) – A 27-year-old female bowler in Baltimore has just bowled what is perhaps the most amazing bowling game in the history of the 10-pin sport. Sportsapalooza reporter Pia Confetti, reported that Lila P. Festivus, who is a…

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Funny story: Sportsmen can't tell politicians apart

Sportsmen can't tell politicians apart

The Whippet and Farrow pub was the site of some consternation today as Darts Player Ernie Heckingthwaite and Tiddlywinks player Sidney 'The Tinker' Davies couldn't tell the difference between Gavin Williamson, and that other bloke. 'Imagine my sur…

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Funny story: Football team unrecognizable after Messi departure: Fanatic

Football team unrecognizable after Messi departure: Fanatic

After the recent news of the departure of Lionel Messi from FC Barcelona many sports fans are left confused and intrigued about the future of their favorite star and of course team. This news came as a surprise to all our sports analysts that are…

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Funny story: God asks Marcus Rashford for help

God asks Marcus Rashford for help

England soccer star and all-round top bloke Marcus Rashford has been contacted by God, asking him why he has become so popular. The Manchester United striker and child poverty campaigner received an email out of the blue from the almighty one, ask…

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Funny story: U. S. Olympic Pee Trials Interrupted by Oregon's Excessive Heat

U. S. Olympic Pee Trials Interrupted by Oregon's Excessive Heat

As the Olympic track and field trials near an end here at Autzen Stadium, hopeful contestants in the peeing for distance competition were forced to take shelter in a cooling area as temperatures reached 110 degrees on the field. It is unlikely that t…

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Funny story: NFL Announce Name Overhaul Plan For 2021

NFL Announce Name Overhaul Plan For 2021

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell announced sweeping changes to the team name system, expected to come in to effect for the 2021 season. After a successful trial in Washington, Goodell is keen to see the change rolled out through the other 31 teams.

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Funny story: Ping Pong Voted World's Silliest Name In Sport

Ping Pong Voted World's Silliest Name In Sport

The International Federation Of Sport-Related After Dinner Speech Makers met for their annual awards ceremony. Various prestigious trophies are handed out to sports teams and stars alike, voted for by the assembled cream of the 'has-been' sports worl…

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Funny story: New sport at Olympics

New sport at Olympics

The next Olympic Games will feature a new sport: masked nude high jump. Athletes will be expected to traverse the high bar fully naked save for a medical mask, ruled compulsory due to anti COVID-19 conditions. If an athlete is caught not wearing…

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