Saint Kevin, patron saint of scissor makers has claimed that despite his reputation for lovers, Saint Valentine was never popular with anyone. Speaking to Vatican Matters,the magazine of record for all Saintly issues, Kevin said 'Valentine was alw...
I'm a saint. No, it's true! I just heard it on the News. Pope Francis has declared me a saint. Miracles are second nature to me. As I write, adoring hordes are beating their way to the door of my bungalow because I have experienced miracles. It's a miracle I'm still alive after that near miss with the articulated lorry at that road junction near Gerona in Spain with Dennis and Gordon in Dennis's A...
The ANSA news agency reported that a commission of cardinals and bishops met Tuesday to consider Brazil's Cardinal Odilo Scherer's case to consider Joe Conforte, founder and retired owner and operator of the famous Nevada brothel, the Mustang Ranch f...
Atheist writer Christopher Hitchens has reportedly been cured of cancer after praying to Mother Teresa. Hitchens' cure, if accepted by Catholic Church authorities as miraculous, could ultimately pave the way for Mother Teresa to be canonized as a...
Pop tart Madonna, who has reportedly ditched Kabbalah and joined Opus Dei, announced that she will star in the sequel to "There Be Dragons," a movie released this Friday about Opus Dei founder Saint Josemaria Escriva. "I have always been fascinat...
Tim Cahill, Everton's lucky number 17, has just been declared a Saint of Australia following his cracking first goal which put the Blues ahead of their Red counterparts. Having received a sublime pass from young Coleman, Cahill blasted the ball in...
Pope Benedict XVI has officially recognised Australia's first saint, Mary MacKillop, a Melbourne-born nun who worked with needy children more than a hundred years ago. Saint Sheila was canonised, not sodomised, with five others, including Brother...
Pope Benedict XVI has canonised Australia's first native-born saint, Mary MacKillop, to the cheers of up to a million faithful and another million undecided, but who like a good spectacle all the same. They gathered at St Peter's Basilica, overloo...
Kids are being urged to go around performing miracles at Hallowe'en rather than playing their more traditional "trick-or-treat" games. Roman Catholic bishops are saying that kids should not dress up as witches and devils. More acceptable would be...
Amy Winehouse recently dropped out of sight and rehab was the best guess of those who know and mock her best. this time the therapy Miss Wino sought was not that of the twelve steps or Freud's analysis. instead Amy in the tradition of her ancient Eng...
Pope Benedict plans to canonize a group of new saints, according to news sources at The Vatican. The new saints will receive beatification at a ceremony in St. Peter's Basilica on the first Sunday in May. The new saints are: * Saint Helen of the...
Two members of Southampton football club, known as the Saints, have landed themselves in trouble. However bored spoof writers have been delighted with the news. It opens up opportunities to say things like 'Saints are devils', or 'Saints go marching.
The Soviet dictator, who was responsible for the deaths of around 15 million people during his 31-year reign of terror, is in second place in online voting for the Name of Russia competition. Stalin last week surrendered a narrow lead to Nicholas...
Rockall this week celebrated the feast day of our venerated patron, St. Rupert the Killjoy, a sixth century Hebridean missionary who brought Christianity to the sacred isle. Bunting and banners festooned the streets on Tuesday as the Fighting Dog...
Vatican City-- Pope Benedict named three new saints today in a ceremony at Vatican City. The three are the first new saints of the 21st Century and reflect our modern society. Roman Catholics believe saints are intermediaries between God and man and...
Today, Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe was named a living saint, according to the media in Britain.
Although I love talking movies, predicting Oscar winners, ect., I don't go much for sports, but this is an exception.
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