
Funny satire stories about Remembrance Day

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Funny story: West Brom Fans Disrespectful To Fallen War Heroes

West Brom Fans Disrespectful To Fallen War Heroes

Remembrance Day is the day when those who perished in battle are honoured with a celebration of their bravery, and recognition of the price they paid for our freedom. We should observe it, each in our own way, but, ideally, not in the way some sectio...

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Funny story: WW1 would have been over more quickly without all the football armistices

WW1 would have been over more quickly without all the football armistices

World War 1 is an evocative and mysterious war. The dark trenches, the stench of death, the rattle of bullets, the endless referees' whistles, the thwack of metal boot on leather, the cheeky banter of the chants. The war was technically won by the...

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Funny story: Theresa May ponders sacking entire army and using cheaper ghosts from WW1

Theresa May ponders sacking entire army and using cheaper ghosts from WW1

On the hundredth anniversary of the end of World War 1, world leaders gathered in France to commemorate the event. French president Macron said, "It is important that we remember the fallen, and that we ensure such a thing never happens again.

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Funny story: Man Remembers That There's Something He Should Remember, But Can't Quite Remember What It Is!

Man Remembers That There's Something He Should Remember, But Can't Quite Remember What It Is!

* There was forgetfulness aplenty this morning, when a man in Birmingham awoke knowing that there was something he should remember about today, but he just couldn't remember what it was. Joe Jaynes, 29, had that instinctive twinge in the pit of hi…

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Funny story: Irish Footballer Lambasted For Being Irish by British Media

Irish Footballer Lambasted For Being Irish by British Media

A footballer who does not wear a poppy to mark Remembrance Day, is to not wear a poppy to mark Remembrance Day, again. Stoke City player James Mclean, an Irish Republican, has never worn the club shirt of whom he plays for, with the poppy design e...

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Funny story: Remembering The Fallen: General Dannatt falls flat on his fanny at Tower of London memorial

Remembering The Fallen: General Dannatt falls flat on his fanny at Tower of London memorial

London - An Armistice Day memorial service at the Tower of London descended into farce this morning as the former head of the UK Army slipped in the mud and fell flat on his face as he walked to the podium to read a poem entitled 'The Fallen'. Ge...

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Funny story: Palace 'tip-off' behind England black armbands deal

Palace 'tip-off' behind England black armbands deal

London - Someone in Buckingham Palace has had a strong hunch that the Queen might kick the bucket this weekend just as the England football squad lines up against Spain in a friendly. The premonition has seen players issued with black armbands ahe...

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Funny story: German Speaking Sepp Blatter Backs Down Over Poppy Ruckus

German Speaking Sepp Blatter Backs Down Over Poppy Ruckus

Sepp Blatter, the German speaking head of FIFA, originally stated that the England National football team could not wear poppies on their football kits during their international match on Saturday. "This has nothing to do with Germany losing the w...

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Funny story: Cenotaph epitaph

Cenotaph epitaph

London - (RIP Mess): Will the Queen spearhead the nation's mood by joining the Grateful - er...Glorious! - Dead in a Remembrance Sunday shocker? Plans for a poignant Saturday night televised farewell were scrapped earlier this year. Thousands o...

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Funny story: Loserific Jerkbags Who Stole Poppies and Disrupted Rememberance Day Hanged for High Treason

Loserific Jerkbags Who Stole Poppies and Disrupted Rememberance Day Hanged for High Treason

BIRMINGHAM - Two youths were found guilty by the City of Birmingham Magistrates' Court for stealing large poppies from lampposts on Broad Street, and selling them to innocent passers-by. The people also involved in disrupting the 2-minute silence...

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Funny story: Ammit the Devourer stalks Queen's soul in Remembrance Day shocker!

Ammit the Devourer stalks Queen's soul in Remembrance Day shocker!

London - (Book of the Dead Chapter 9/11): An image of Egyptian funerary deity Ammit the Devourer has appeared clawing at the Queen's bedroom window. Frantic Ladies of the Bedchamber said today the part lion/hippo/crocodile entity looked as if it...

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Funny story: Council bans Remembrance Day parade 'for a laugh'

Council bans Remembrance Day parade 'for a laugh'

In another example of 'Health and Safety gone mad', a town council has banned this morning's Remembrance Day parade on the grounds of 'pins given out with poppies can cause eye-injuries to children - or something.' The town council of Felcham, K...

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Funny story: Remembrance Day Nothing To Do With Me Says Amnesiac

Remembrance Day Nothing To Do With Me Says Amnesiac

The Cenotaph, Whitehall, London, England - Hardened Glaswegian alcoholic and homeless person Mr Fergus McDipstick today launched an astonishing assault on members of the International Press Corps. McDipstick challenged assembled press notaries tha...

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