Gary, a man's man, a man of the world, or so it seemed, has committed a faux pas worthy of a ‘Carry On’ film. Gary had been asked for marital guidance by his mate, Bernard, as Bernard’s wife had got a rabbit. ‘I asked where she kept it, as they li…
A pet rabbit that gave birth to four baby rabbits a few months ago, but then had the misfortune to have all four of the kittens die on her, is looking not particularly well this morning, and may be coming down with something. The story of the birt...
A pregnant rabbit that was the subject of a story on just a few weeks ago, has finally given birth to three baby rabbits, sparking wild celebrations in the Battambang commune of Tapon. The rabbit, named 'Thong' (pregnant), looked deci...
Rabbits are lovely, although a bit dimwitted, creatures, and don't always make the best pets due to their lack of interaction with their owners, but one family is celebrating their good fortune this evening after being presented with one of the lovab...
Warwick Davies has confessed that he absolutely loves the Lake District and was delighted to have the chance to enjoy it with adventurer Bear Grylls. Bear Grylls, however, took a different view. "Not that bl**dy dwarf", he is rumoured to have said...
The Easter Bunny has resigned on grounds of "inappropriate stereotyping", fearing his association with the Easter holiday is having a serious impact on the health of rabbits around the world. The rabbit community feel more and more undermined by t...
Chicago, IL - The Rainbow/PUSH Coalition and the American Civil Liberties Union, in conjunction with the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender community, are demanding that the children's book 'The Tale of Peter Cottontail' be rewritten to include a w...
Well, we know now that there is still more ways to perform on stage while you are singing. Last night Miley Cyrus appeared at "Le derrière" wearing a string bikini and riding a unicycle. Oh, she also wore a tophat, that kept nearly falling off.
It has been discovered that from April 2013, rabbits on the Downs will incur penalties for having less than 20 bunnies in a chamber. This has set the hares running with terrible results in some deprived areas. A spokesrabbit from Watership Down, near...
Harry and Margret lived deep in the woods, Living their lives just as bunny pairs should, Laughing and playing and hopping about, Consummate lovers, sincere and devout. Harry and Margret loved playing so much, Easily filling the forest with such, Din that their neighbors would fly in great fear, Clearing the woods of all birds, bears, and deer. As they were playing one fine summer day...
Police from the London Met shut down The Spoof! and declared it a crime scene or to be a more exact the scene of a crime in progress. The police received the following tip off from spoofter Alex99 who wrote an email to them in which he described h...
News just in from Hollywood suggests that Twilight heartthrob Taylor Lautner has been trucking around local pet stores looking to buy a whole bunch of rabbits to keep as pets in his Hollywood Hills mansion. According to reports, Lautner has been l...
In order to get a leg (or is that "beak"?) up on rival Bugs Bunny, Warner Bros. actor Daffy Duck has released his very own spice. In the tradition of Paul Newman's salad dressings, Daffy will release a meat spice and marinade called "Daffy Duck's Rab...
Hong Kong - (Bunny Boiler): Thursday's Chinese New Year of the Rabbit sees bellicose war god planet Mars fire up the Aquarius trifecta of Sun, Moon and Neptune. The alignment is seen with trepidation by superstitious Hong Kong city sources who war...
It can be revealed today that I'm a celebrity get me out of here unterstar Gillian McKeith has accidentally shoved a rabbit up her own arse. A hidden camera caught the spectacle and showed that fat boy Shaun Ryder had caught the rabbit and had gon...
As the most dedicated reviewer for The Spoof, I occasionally get odd items requiring review. Most recently I was sent the latest in Rabbit's sex toy range: Thrust 2. However, after the disaster that was the Party Food review that led to my review of divorce lawyers, I have been reviewing local hostelries for the past few months and find myself resolutely single, with no way of testing the Rabb...
Women everywhere rejoiced when Rabbit, the makers of the incredibly popular vibrating sex toy for women only (as seen on TV, if you have the porn channels), announced that their number one selling sex toy is to get a make over with a new facility tha...
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