
Funny satire stories about President

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Funny story: Ricky Gervais To Lead 3 Nations Into the Future

Ricky Gervais To Lead 3 Nations Into the Future

Ricky Gervais is set to run simultaneously in America for president and Britain for prime minister, since he has dual citizenship. A publicist for the Hollywood elite says, “Ricky’s hot, he’s where it’s at, but Hollywood hates him because he keeps…

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Funny story: Gary Gary Quite Contrary – Vote 4 Him – He’s Kinda Scary

Gary Gary Quite Contrary – Vote 4 Him – He’s Kinda Scary

Gary Busey wants your vote! He’s wild and crazy, scary to look directly at sometimes with all those teeth (can I have a couple?), but he played Buddy Holly so that’s gotta be worth something. His press agent, Phil the Moxy, has said that Gary w…

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Funny story: President Forgets To Pardon 45,999,998 Turkeys

President Forgets To Pardon 45,999,998 Turkeys

WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 21 — In a joke-filled pre-Thanksgiving ceremony at the White House this morning, President Biden continued a much-beloved American tradition and forgot to pardon approximately 45,999,998 turkeys. While Forbes estimates that…

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Funny story: President Trump’s Sister, Federal Judge Maryanne Trump Berry, Throws Him Under the Bus Big Time!

President Trump’s Sister, Federal Judge Maryanne Trump Berry, Throws Him Under the Bus Big Time!

NEW YORK CITY – (Satire News) - The iRumors News Agency is reporting that the President’s older sister, unlike him, does not lie. Retired Federal Judge Maryanne Trump Berry spoke with iRumors and revealed some very interesting details about her br…

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Funny story: Eric Trump Reveals That His Daddy Told Him He No Longer Wants To Be President

Eric Trump Reveals That His Daddy Told Him He No Longer Wants To Be President

NEW YORK CITY – (Fake News) - Eric Trump could, unknowingly, very well be exactly what devoted, old-fashioned Republicans have been waiting for. The young Trump told CNN’s Jake Tapper, that his father recently told him that he no longer wants to…

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Funny story: Trump Says He Will Do Away With The Presidential Election and Just Declare Himself King

Trump Says He Will Do Away With The Presidential Election and Just Declare Himself King

WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Presidential Spoof) - The President told his chief adviser, Kellyanne Conway, that he is sick and tired of hearing about how low his popularity numbers are. The Washington Post reported that lots of people are complaining that…

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Funny story: Kanye West Has a New Presidential Slogan That is Going To Piss Off Millions and Millions of Blacks

Kanye West Has a New Presidential Slogan That is Going To Piss Off Millions and Millions of Blacks

WEST HOLLYWOOD – The black rap singer who has decided to run for the highest office in the land, has just told the political media that he has come up with a brand new fantastical, award-winning slogan. Many look at Kanye, as the black version of…

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Funny story: Trumps ‘super-duper missile’ is betterer than their ‘really-good’ missile

Trumps ‘super-duper missile’ is betterer than their ‘really-good’ missile

Unconfirmed reports that the Pentagon is developing a missile that travels 17 times faster than the missile that travels 17 times slower, have not been confirmed. “The President learnt ‘They’ had a missile that was ‘damn fast’, so we started plann…

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Funny story: Mary Trump's Bombshell Book Reveals Her Uncle Donald Trump To Be One Big Egomaniac

Mary Trump's Bombshell Book Reveals Her Uncle Donald Trump To Be One Big Egomaniac

NEW YORK CITY – Mary Trump has always felt that she had the uncle from hell. As a little girl, she saw that he was nothing more than a self-centered, egotistical, pompous jerk, who had more respect for Adolf Hitler than he had for women; including hi…

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Funny story: Sofia Vergara Says The Democratic Party of Colombia Wants Her to Run For President

Sofia Vergara Says The Democratic Party of Colombia Wants Her to Run For President

BOGOTA, Colombia – The current president of Colombia, Ivan Duque Marquez, has just said that he will not run for re-election. He commented that he wants to retire from political office, and travel to such exotic places as Greenland, Iran, Newfound…

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Funny story: Kanye West Announces He Wants To Be The Second Black President

Kanye West Announces He Wants To Be The Second Black President

HOLLYWOOD – Hip-Hop Rapper Kanye West, who is married to Kim Kardashian, has just thrown his durag into the presidential ring, and stated that he wants to be the nation's second black president. Westy, as Tucker Carlson calls him, says that he is…

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Funny story: Men In White Suits Seen At White House

Men In White Suits Seen At White House

It may mean nothing at all whatsoever, but Washington, DC tongues have been set a-wagging in the capitol after a vanload of men in white suits turned up unannounced at 1600 Pensylvania Avenue, and were shown inside by what looked like Secret Service...

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Funny story: President Trump Says He Will Be Signing An Executive Order Changing The Name of the Coronavirus

President Trump Says He Will Be Signing An Executive Order Changing The Name of the Coronavirus

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Washington Globe Express is reporting that President Trump has just announced an update on the Coronavirus. He told the Globe Express that he is going to legally change the name of the virus from the foreign-sounding Corona...

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Funny story: School Is Stupid (an excerpt from Trump's Unauthorized Autobiography)

School Is Stupid (an excerpt from Trump's Unauthorized Autobiography)

School Was Pretty Stupid “No, I’m not cutting services, but I’m cutting spending. But I may cut Department of Education.” Available on Amazon Trump, you know, me, from October 2015. We need to fix our broken education system! There’s no failed...

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Funny story: President Trump Impeachment Trial Over

President Trump Impeachment Trial Over

Washington, D.C. - The impeachment trial of US president, Donald J. Trump has ended just a few minutes ago, with the verdict many political analysts said was "inevitable": that Mr. Trump was found to be impeachless, and was free to go about his busin...

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Funny story: Donald Trump's Index finger suing due to over-work

Donald Trump's Index finger suing due to over-work

Donald Trump's right hand index finger is to sue the small-handed, stone-cold loser Donald Trump for over-use. The angry digit, speaking in a far more statesmanlike way than its owner, said: 'Every time he wants to make another one of his moronic,...

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Funny story: Trump Patterns Presidency Based On Newhart TV Series

Trump Patterns Presidency Based On Newhart TV Series

Everyone knows President Trump has a deep relationship with all things television. Our reporter managed to set up an exclusive interview with the president and got the scoop on a major reveal. The president believes he is dreaming and one day will wa...

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