While others panic over lurking viruses, climate chaos, and the collapse of the economy, long-practicing Buddhist Josh Foster of Nashville, Tennessee, smugly reflected that at least he has the present moment. “I try not to throw it in people’s fac...
Matt Millhauser of Nashville, Tennessee, who has been practicing Buddhist meditation for over a decade, with mixed results, continues to hold out hope that he will someday find peace in the present moment. “Currently what’s there is a mixture of f...
Unwilling to let life pass him by, Jake Gentry of Nashville, Tennessee, attempted to seize the day, or, at least, capture a moment or two, only to find that they all slipped away. “It’s frustrating,” said Gentry of his failed efforts to hold on to...
"The present moment is the only place we have any hope of finding happiness or peace," said Olivia Mancini, a high-level advertising executive at a major Manhattan firm, as she explained her affinity for Buddhism and its teachings. "And I'm going to...
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