
Funny satire stories about Pop Idol

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Funny story: Simon Cowell Plans New Reality Show Called 'Musical Parachutes'

Simon Cowell Plans New Reality Show Called 'Musical Parachutes'

LONDON, U.K. - Reality show phenomenon, Simon Cowell, has revealed plans he is about to start auditions for his next multi-million dollar franchise called 'Musical Parachutes'. "Look, people.." Mr. Cowell pronounced to the attending media, "...the...

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Funny story: She sells sea shells on sea shore! The shocking decline of Michelle McManus.

She sells sea shells on sea shore! The shocking decline of Michelle McManus.

Roly-Poly Pop Idol loser Michelle McManus has been uncovered on Berwick beach with a makeshift market stall. The rotund reality show 'star' shot to fame in the 2003 edition of the popular Simon Cowell show with stunning renditions of songs by Fats...

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Funny story: Itallians replace planned Amy Winehouse (RIP) concert with near-dead Spice Girls!

Itallians replace planned Amy Winehouse (RIP) concert with near-dead Spice Girls!

After the tragic death of Amy Winehouse (RIP), her planned concerts in Italy had to be sadly cancelled although at first the Italians thought she was only "dead drunk"; nobody believes the Daily S++r in Italy! The organisers were forced into find...

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Funny story: Justin Bieber Denies He Has Sexual Fantasies About Heidi Montag

Justin Bieber Denies He Has Sexual Fantasies About Heidi Montag

LOS ANGELES - Justin Bieber, the teen idol, took his mom out to a local IHOP and confided to her that he has finally accepted the fact that he did not win the coveted Best New Artist Award at the recent Grammy Awards. He shook his head and almost...

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Funny story: Justin Bieber Gives Ted "The Velvet Voice" Williams $100,000

Justin Bieber Gives Ted "The Velvet Voice" Williams $100,000

BOISE, Idaho - Canadian singing sensation Justin Bieber performed at The Mashed Potatoes Arena before a standing room only sell out crowd. Bieber gave the amazing crowd a record breaking 13 encores. The crowd of 30,000, which included not only you...

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Funny story: Justin Bieber Reveals The Amazing Reason He Is Extremely Scared of Skateboards

Justin Bieber Reveals The Amazing Reason He Is Extremely Scared of Skateboards

GREEN BAY, Wisconsin - Canadian singing sensation Justin Bieber was in Green Bay attending the 91st Annual Snow Plow Parade and Ice Fishing Championships. Bieber, who was the parade's grand marshall, stated that he was thrilled to have been asked...

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Funny story: "Crap Idol", "Crap Factor" and "Britain's Got Crap" launched today

"Crap Idol", "Crap Factor" and "Britain's Got Crap" launched today

In an effort to make more money from premium rate telephone lines and pointless quizzes in the advertisement breaks in between, Simon Cowbell today announced his new talentless show series. "Crap Idol", "Crap Factor" and "Britain's Got Crap" will...

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Funny story: Kris Allen tells UK fans to vote for Susan Boyle

Kris Allen tells UK fans to vote for Susan Boyle

Following his shock win in American Idol, Kris Allen has called on his British fans to vote for Susan Boyle on the UK's X Factor. He said that he felt it was his 'duty' to promote the Irish singer now that he had won his competition. Kris was ful...

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Funny story: ITV Launch 'Speaker Idol'

ITV Launch 'Speaker Idol'

Never let it be said that the canny executives at ITV are slow off the mark when seizing a new broadcasting opportunity, and the crisis at Westminster over the MPs expenses claims has afforded them a chance to catch public attention yet again with a...

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Funny story: "Israeli Idol" show a disaster for Simon Cowell

"Israeli Idol" show a disaster for Simon Cowell

It appears that "Israeli Idol" - loosely based on Pop Idol and American Idol - has been an unmitigated disaster for Simon Cowell with his Sam-the-Eagle-Muppet hair style.

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Funny story: Cowell to make new show

Cowell to make new show

Today it was announced that Simon Cowell's production company will make a new show entitled "Idol Bastard Idol", where wannabe contestants fight it out to be crowned worlds most idol bastard.

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Funny story: Simon Cowell Insults Virginia Victims

Simon Cowell Insults Virginia Victims

American Idol judge Simon Cowle is at the centre of a row over the disrespect he showed to the victims of the Virginia shootings.

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Funny story: Despite Britney Spears Successful Rehab, Humanity Still Full of Suffering

Despite Britney Spears Successful Rehab, Humanity Still Full of Suffering

Britney Spears rehab has gone well, leaving thousands of people secretly a little disappointed that nothing went wrong.

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Funny story: 'Humdrum Idol' Coming To Your Screens

'Humdrum Idol' Coming To Your Screens

Television bosses, hell- bent on ensuring that every single show on the box has a 'reality' theme, have revealed plans to broadcast a program that gives the common man a chance to have his voice heard. Based on the X- Fac...

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Funny story: Pop Idol - Has the Bubble Burst?

Pop Idol - Has the Bubble Burst?

Three things come to mind in those rare moments when I think of Pop Idol: the self-proclaimed oxymoron that is ‘Reality Television’ (if that’s reality I’m calling Judge Judy), hopeless wannabes who wanna make a name for themselves and, perhaps relating to the last ‘stereotype’, the ‘notorious’ Simon Cowell. From the man who brought us the musical talents of Five, Westlife and erm, Zig and Zag, it’...

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Funny story: Pope Idol

Pope Idol

Simon Fuller annouched today that he would do a religious Pop Idol. Pope Idol should hit UK screens later this year dubbed the "holy man's Pop Idol".

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Funny story: UK Pop Idol show rocked by Simon Cowell's honest opinion

UK Pop Idol show rocked by Simon Cowell's honest opinion

Popular song-singing, gameshow-without-a-game, Pop Idol, has been rocked to its foundations by claims that Simon Cowell is simply "being honest".

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