
Funny satire stories about Police brutality

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Funny story: Death by Burger in San Antonio

Death by Burger in San Antonio

San Antonio Officer James Brennand shot a young man who was eating a burger in a McDonalds parking lot. A spokesperson stated: “I keep telling people, if you’re going to eat our food, please do so INSIDE the restaurant. Outside, there are cops. Lo…

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Funny story: Sanford disarms human police: Macaque monkeys to control all weaponry

Sanford disarms human police: Macaque monkeys to control all weaponry

On Tuesday evening the Sanford City Council passed a controversial new ordinance that removes all deadly weapons from the hands of traditional law enforcement officers and arms highly-skilled macaque monkeys in their place. The macaques must first co…

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Funny story: Whatever Happened To The Billy Club?

Whatever Happened To The Billy Club?

Whatever became of the billy club? In Turner Classic black-and-white films, police officers walked the beat in twos, billy clubs at the waist, know their neighborhood, the residents by name, and never have shoot outs or speed through streets in squad…

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Funny story: President Trump Condemns Police Brutality

President Trump Condemns Police Brutality

After Wednesday's horrific events at Capitol Hill, when members of the public found themselves trapped inside the building by renegade law enforcement officers, President Donald Trump has condemned the brutal actions of police who attended the fracas…

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Funny story: Minneapolis To Defund Police And Try Kitten Therapy Instead!

Minneapolis To Defund Police And Try Kitten Therapy Instead!

Minneapolis, MN - In the wake of the killing of George Floyd by the Minneapolis Police, the City Council says it now has the votes to override Mayor Frey and defund the police department entirely. But how to handle future crimes is the big question g...

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Funny story: Police Shoot, Kill Nude, Pregnant Woman

Police Shoot, Kill Nude, Pregnant Woman

Anywhere, U.S.A. - An uneasy feeling permeated the squad room as half a dozen or so officers waited for Chief Backoff's appearance. They knew the Chief's reprimand would be harsh, biting and very personal. After all, the shooting of a nude woman had...

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Funny story: Evander Holyfield Arrested for Not Wearing Mask, Claims Innocence Due to Missing Ear

Evander Holyfield Arrested for Not Wearing Mask, Claims Innocence Due to Missing Ear

Former heavyweight boxing champion, Evander "The Real Deal" Holyfield, has been arrested in Atlanta for not wearing a mask and failure to comply with a police order. According to District Attorney, Paul Howard, Holyfield faces two felony charges pun...

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Funny story: With Police Murder And Riots America Goes To The Beach

With Police Murder And Riots America Goes To The Beach

Americans were relieved and even overjoyed this week as things finally began to get back to normal. Not only were hugely crowded beaches and urine-salted public swimming pools a sight for sore eyes, people felt a sense of normalcy seeing an increase...

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Funny story: Overzealous UK Police Launch Operation Powertrip

Overzealous UK Police Launch Operation Powertrip

Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu demanded that officers maintain the British tradition of 'policing by consent', despite launching 'Operation Powertrip', the plan that calls for the harassment of joggers and easter egg shoppers, and the random shooti...

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Funny story: Street brawl descends into full-scale Trump rally

Street brawl descends into full-scale Trump rally

Police were forced to draw batons and wade into a Friday night punch-up in Whitechapel Road last night as the melee descended into a full-scale Donald Trump political rally. Twelve arrests were made, mostly for insulting behaviour and affray, and...

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Funny story: Liam Neeson Quits Acting To Join Police

Liam Neeson Quits Acting To Join Police

Liam Neeson, the Hollywood actor superstar, the veteran of more than a hundred movies, and Oscar-nominee for his latest film 'Cold Pursuit', has announced his intention to quit the silver screen, and to join the police force. Neeson, 66, said that...

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Funny story: Tiny Yorkshire Terrier arrested in Kingston, UK, after attacking fully grown delivery man!

Tiny Yorkshire Terrier arrested in Kingston, UK, after attacking fully grown delivery man!

A tiny Yorkshire Terrier proved to the world that his "bark was genuinely as big as his bite!" A full grown, adult delivery man, not the postman, they belong to a different generation, attempted to enter the tiny terriers territory in downtown Kin...

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Funny story:™ signs Executive Order making police brutaliity mandatory™ signs Executive Order making police brutaliity mandatory

After not being able to take Healthcare away from millions™ is screaming and ranting at everyone in the Whitehouse. He has ordered immediate reprisals against all soft targets, particularly vulnerable groups that he couldn't strip he...

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Funny story: White Police Officer Almost Doesn't Shoot Handcuffed Unarmed Black Man

White Police Officer Almost Doesn't Shoot Handcuffed Unarmed Black Man

A Georgia state law enforcement officer was commended for following procedure during a routine traffic stop that nearly turned tragic earlier this week. Deputy Jason Hancock continued police department tradition of shooting unarmed black men, but...

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Funny story: San Francisco QB Kaepernick Controversy Goes Viral

San Francisco QB Kaepernick Controversy Goes Viral

The Department of Defense has spent at least $6 million to many NFL teams in exchange for their various salutes to service people and involvement in other military promotions at games. It is part of a recruitment process the War Department says.

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Funny story: Massive Riots Follow NYPD Shooting

Massive Riots Follow NYPD Shooting

Race riots erupted all over New York City following the announcement that, on Tuesday morning, NYPD officers fatally shot a black Muslim man who was armed with nothing more than a stolen H-bomb. Truck driver Muhammad Baker was killed instantly in...

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Funny story: Baltimore Homeless Dealt With During Curfew

Baltimore Homeless Dealt With During Curfew

Baltimore, MD - During the recent Baltimore riots, the many homeless people living on the streets were also forced to comply with the city's overnight curfew, which lead to some very strange scenes in the down-trodden city. "They duct-taped me to...

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