
Funny satire stories about Polar bear

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Funny story: Polar Bears Drowning Under All That Fashionable Fur

Polar Bears Drowning Under All That Fashionable Fur

The world population of polar bears has greatly declined over the past 10 years, scientists say, and it’s not due to poachers, fur coat salesmen, nor Lady Gaga. They all die from drowning! With much of the ice of the Arctic gone, the bears are qui…

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Funny story: A Polar Bear From The North Pole Amazingly Swims Ashore in Puerto Rico

A Polar Bear From The North Pole Amazingly Swims Ashore in Puerto Rico

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – (Satire News) – Telemundo has stated that beach-goers recently saw a full-grown polar bear swim ashore at San Juan’s Mucho Rum Beach. Witnesses said that the bear looked extremely tired, and animal experts said it must have…

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Funny story: Global warming threatens freezing Europe!

Global warming threatens freezing Europe!

After years of warming up, the globe has proven once again that advocates of desert doom all are right, by freezing half of Europe! From Reykjavik to Istanbul layers upon layers of snow and ice have been causing chaos as European inhabitants come...

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Funny story: Justice Department Preparing Lawsuit Against Polar Bear Conservation Group

Justice Department Preparing Lawsuit Against Polar Bear Conservation Group

WASHINGTON, DC - The Justice Department is preparing to bring a lawsuit against polar bear conservationists Polar Bear Lovers over a pattern of racially discriminatory tactics. Attorney General Eric Holder said this week he expects to announce the...

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Funny story: Conspiracy Theories Mostly True - New Investigation

Conspiracy Theories Mostly True - New Investigation

Almost all conspiracy theories have turned out to be true, according to an investigation commissioned to find out the truth about what everyone is really pretending to do. The report, secretly published as an apparent maintenance tender form for the...

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Funny story: Hillary Kills Polar Bear With Kick Boxing Skills!

Hillary Kills Polar Bear With Kick Boxing Skills!

"I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't taken all those self-defense classes Bill had me attending at nights while he was working late at the White House on one thing or another", stated former First Lady, Hillary Clinton. Clinton, who ma...

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Funny story: Man Who Survived Sharknado Killed by Polar Bear Vortex

Man Who Survived Sharknado Killed by Polar Bear Vortex

Fort Lauderdale,FL.-A man from California, who survived a freak storm last summer in which great white sharks were swept up in water spouts inside a hurricane and deposited in a flooded area of Los Angeles, wasn't so lucky this time. Fredrick Wha...

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Funny story: POLAR Vortex In, POLAR Bears Out

POLAR Vortex In, POLAR Bears Out

Polar bears are disgusted. Their lock on the word POLAR has been hijacked. As one of them told Spoof Science & Technology reporter Gail Farrelly, "Once upon a time, when the word POLAR was given in word association tests, 99 out of 100 respondents promptly answered: bear. No more. Now most respondents say Vortex when prompted by the word POLAR. Go figure." The dumb thing, the...

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Funny story: Megyn Kelly Defends Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson - Says Most Gays Are White

Megyn Kelly Defends Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson - Says Most Gays Are White

NEW YORK CITY - FOX News reporter Megyn Kelly who has been involved in a bit of a brouhaha herself lately, said in an interview with GOPicky Magazine that Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson is being unfairly judged. Kelly stated that Robertson did not...

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Funny story: Canada Sells 12 Polar Bears To Kenya

Canada Sells 12 Polar Bears To Kenya

OTTAWA, Canada - The Canadian government has just stated that they have sold a dozen polar bears to the African country of Kenya. Kenya which is a warm country with year round temperatures in the 90s commented that the polar bears will all be hous...

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Funny story: Santa Moving Operations To South Pole Due To Warming Arctic Ocean

Santa Moving Operations To South Pole Due To Warming Arctic Ocean

Old Nick has been having a hard time of it. His North Pole sweat shops,, workshops have been becoming wet-shops due to the the melting of the sea ice of the arctic. "It has just become impossible! I have been bitching to the industrial na...

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Funny story: Republicans Finally Come Up With Their Own Health Care Plan For People Poorer Than Themselves.

Republicans Finally Come Up With Their Own Health Care Plan For People Poorer Than Themselves.

The Republicans, after years of doing nothing but bash President Obama's Health Care Act, have at last introduced one of their own. Pooling their vast knowledge of human caring with aid from their endless sources of think tanks they have come up with a master plan to help those who are poorer than themselves and do not have the Congressional Insurance of life that they do: They will fly anyone...

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Funny story: 'Canadian Polar Bears Scupper Biggest Business Deal In History'

'Canadian Polar Bears Scupper Biggest Business Deal In History'

The head of Verhizon Communications Inc. says the U.S. Company is not planning to enter the Canadian wireless telecom market because of Polar Bears and French speaking Quebecois people ''who make me sick as they have been persecuting Polar Bears''.

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Funny story: Isle of Wight News - Park and Ryde Program Cancelled

Isle of Wight News - Park and Ryde Program Cancelled

The innovative Park and Ryde Program has been cancelled. While introduced to great fanfare as a sustainable initiative to reduce traffic, the program has been plagued with confusion and inefficiencies from the start. Residents seemed more than wil...

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Funny story: Polar bears 'going mental' from BBC interference

Polar bears 'going mental' from BBC interference

London - Wildlife experts have slammed dodgy BBC documentary tactics after some Norwegian bi-polar bears complained of being interfered with during filming sessions. Covert video cameras caught bears behaving badly after a microphone was inserted...

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Funny story: Polar Bears are the latest evolution lie!

Polar Bears are the latest evolution lie!

Evolutionists have been found to be lying again, this time it's Polar Bears who have been left out in the cold! Just last year, 'scientists' (ahem) produced DNA 'evidence' which they said at the time proved that brown bears magicked into polar bea...

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Funny story: BBC Frozen Planet Faked?

BBC Frozen Planet Faked?

BBC executives were today denying the entire series was faked, but agreed some footage could have been misleading. One exec said: 'Ok, the footage of Attenborough in his back yard wading through polystyrene made to look like snow was a little fake...

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